Konza LTER Publications

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Heisler-White JL, Blair JM, Kelly EF, Harmoney K, Knapp AK. Contingent productivity responses to more extreme rainfall regimes across a grassland biome. Global Change Biology. 2009;15:2894 -2904. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01961.x.
Helton AM, Poole GC, Meyer JL, et al. Thinking outside the channel: modeling nitrogen cycling in networked river ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2011;9:229 -238. doi:10.1890/080211.
Henebry GM, Su H. Observing spatial structure in the Flint Hills using AVHRR biweekly composites of maximum NDVI. Hartnett DC. 1995:143 -151.
Henebry GM, Su H. Using landscape trajectories to assess the effects of radiometric rectification. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 1993;14:2417 -2423. doi:10.1080/01431169308954046.
Henebry GM. Detecting change in grasslands using measures of spatial dependence with Landsat TM data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 1993;46:223 -234. doi:10.1016/0034-4257(93)90097-H.
Henebry GM. Grasslands of the North American Great Plains. In: Schwartz MD Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science. Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science. New York: Kluwer; 2003:157 -174. Available at: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-0632-3_11.
Henebry GM. Advantages of principal components analysis for land cover segmentation from SAR image series. 1997:175 -178. Available at: http://earth.esa.int/symposia/papers/henebry3/index.html.
Henebry GM, Knapp AK. Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture in tallgrass prairie using ERS-1 SAR image time series: first year results. 1996:166 -168. Available at: 10.1109/IGARSS.1996.516279.
Henebry GM. Phenologies of North American Grasslands and Grasses. In: Schwartz MD Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 2e. Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 2e. Springer Netherlands; 2013:197-210. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6925-0_11.
Henebry GM. Spatial model error analysis using autocorrelation indices. Ecological Modelling. 1995;82:75 -91. doi:10.1016/0304-3800(94)00074-R.
Heneghan L, Miller S, Baer SG, et al. Integrating soil ecological knowledge into restoration management. Restoration Ecology. 2008;16:608 -617. doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2008.00477.x.
Henning JA, Kinkel L, May G, Lumibao CY, Seabloom EW, Borer ET. Plant diversity and litter accumulation mediate the loss of foliar endophyte fungal richness following nutrient addition. Ecology. 2021;102(1):e03210. doi:10.1002/ecy.3210.
Herrera T. Comparative phylogeography of small mammals across the Great Plains Suture Zone highlights repeated processes of speciation and community assembly coincident with the 100th meridian. Department of Biology. 2022;MS Thesis. Available at: https://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/42395.
Herrera J, Khidir HH, Eudy DM, Porras-Alfaro A, Natvig DO, Sinsabaugh RL. Shifting fungal endophyte communities colonize Bouteloua gracilis: effect of host tissue and geographical distribution. Mycologia. 2010;102:1012 -1026. doi:10.3852/09-264.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Leslie JF. Root architecture of warm and cool-season grasses: relationship to mycorrhizal dependence. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1991;69:112 -118. doi:10.1139/b91-016.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Kitt DG, Schwab AP. Effects of soil microorganisms on mycorrhizal contribution to growth of big bluestem grass in nonsterile soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 1988;20:501 -507. doi:10.1016/0038-0717(88)90065-X.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Suppression of mycorrhizal fungus spore germination in nonsterile soil: relationship to mycorrhizal growth response in big bluestem. Mycologia. 1989;81(3):382 -390. doi:10.2307/3760076.
Hetrick BAD, Bloom J. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with native tall grass prairie and cultivated winter wheat. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1983;61:2140 -2146. doi:10.1139/b83-231.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Owensby CE. The influence of mycorrhizae on big bluestem rhizome regrowth and clipping tolerance. Journal of Range Management. 1990;43:286 -290. doi:10.2307/3898918.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Schwab AP. Mycorrhizal activity in warm-and cool-season grasses: variation in nutrient uptake strategies. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1994;72:1002 -1008. doi:10.1139/b94-126.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Effects of mycorrhizal fungus species and metalaxyl application on microbial suppression of mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycologia. 1991;83:97 -102. doi:10.2307/3759836.
Hetrick BAD, Kitt DG, Wilson GT. Mycorrhizal dependence and growth habit of warm-season and cool-season tallgrass prairie plants. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1988;66:1376 -1380. doi:10.1139/b88-193.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Relationship of native and introduced mycorrhizal fungi to mycorrhizal dependence of Andropogon gerardii and Koeleria pyranidata. Mycologia. 1990;82:779 -782. doi:10.2307/3760166.
Hetrick JA. Soil phosphorus chemistry: A systems approach. 1989;PhD Dissertation:1 -151.
Hetrick BAD. Acquisition of phosphorus by Va mycorrhizal fungi and the growth responses of their host plants. In: Boddy L, Marchant R, Read DJ Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi. Cambrige, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1989:205 -226.
Hetrick BAD, Hartnett DC, Wilson GT, Gibson DJ. Effects of mycorrhizal and plant density on yield relationships among competing tallgrass prairie grasses. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1994;72:168 -176. doi:10.1139/b94-023.
Hetrick BAD. Mycorrhizas and root architecture. Experientia. 1991;47:355 -361. doi:10.1007/BF01972077.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Owensby CE. Influence of mycorrhizal fungi and fertilization on big bluestem seedling biomass. Journal of Range Management. 1989;42:213 -216. doi:10.2307/3899475.
Hetrick BAD, Leslie JF, Wilson GT, Kitt DG. Physical and topological assessment of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on root architecture of big bluestem. New Phytologist. 1988;110:85 -96. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1988.tb00240.x.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Harnett DC. Relationship between mycorrhizal dependence and competitive ability of two tallgrass prairie grasses. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1989;67:2608 -2615. doi:10.1139/b89-337.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Todd TC. Differential responses of C3 and C4 grasses to mycorrhizal symbiosis, phosphorus fertilization, and soil microorganisms. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1990;68:461 -467. doi:10.1139/b90-061.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Todd TC. Relationships of mycorrhizal symbiosis, rooting strategy and phenology among tallgrass prairie forbs. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1992;70:1521 -1528. doi:10.1139/b92-191.
Hewett EL. The effect of brown-headed cowbird removal on thedemography of the dickcissel (Spiza americana). 2005;BS Thesis.
Hickman KR, Hartnett DC. Effects of grazing intensity on growth, reproduction, and abundances of three palatable forbs in Kansas tallgrass prairie. Plant Ecology. 2002;159:23 -33. doi:10.1023/A:1015534721939.
Hickman KR. Effects of large ungulate herbivory on tallgrass prairie plant population and community structure. 1996;PhD Dissertation:1 -105.
Hickman KR, Hartnett DC, Cochran RC. Effects of grazing systems and stocking rates on plant species diversity in Kansas tallgrass prairie. West NE. 1996:228 -229.
Hickman KR, Hartnett DC, Cochran RC, Owensby CE. Grazing management effects on plant species diversity in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Range Management. 2004;57:58 -65. doi:10.2111/1551-5028(2004)057[0058:GMEOPS]2.0.CO;2.
Higgs S. Dissolved organic carbon dynamics in tallgrass prairie streams. 2018;MS Thesis. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/39153.
Hill JM, Sandercock BK, Renfrew RB. Migration patterns of upland sandpipers in the western hemisphere. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2019;7:426. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00426.
Hill JM, Renfrew RB. Migratory patterns and connectivity of two North American grassland bird species. Ecology and Evolution. 2019;9(1):680 - 692. doi:10.1002/ece3.4795.
Hoagland BW, Collins SL. Gradient models, gradient analysis and hierarchical structure in plant communities. Oikos. 1997;78:23 -30. doi:10.2307/3545796.
Hoch G. Booming from the mists of nowhere: the story of the Greater Prairie Chicken. Iowa City, 52242: University of Iowa Press; 2015:1-158. doi:10.2307/j.ctt20p5842.
Hoch GA, Briggs JM. Expansion of eastern red cedar in the northern Flint Hills, Kansas. Springer JT. 1999:9 -15.
Hoch GA. Patterns of mechanisms of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) expansion into tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills KS. 2000;PhD Dissertation:1 -106.
Hoch G, Brock B, Briggs JM. Applications of advanced technologies in studying and managing grassland landscape integrity. In: Liu J, Taylor WW Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management. Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press; 2002:390 -411.
Hoch GA, Briggs JM, Johnson LC. Assessing the rate, mechanism and consequences of conversion of tallgrass prairie to Juniperus virginiana forest. Ecosystems. 2002;5:578 -586. doi:10.1007/s10021-002-0187-4.
Hodapp D, Borer ET, W. Harpole S, et al. Spatial heterogeneity in species composition constrains plant community responses to herbivory and fertilisation. Gurevitch J. Ecology Letters. 2018;21(9):1364 -1371. doi:10.1111/ele.13102.
Hoeksema JD, Bever JD, Chakraborty S, et al. Evolutionary history of plant hosts and fungal symbionts predicts the strength of mycorrhizal mutualism. Communications Biology. 2018;116(1). doi:10.1038/s42003-018-0120-9.
Hoffman AM, Smith MD. Gene expression differs in codominant prairie grasses under drought. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2018;18(2):334-346. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12733.
Hoffman AM, Avolio ML, Knapp AK, Smith MD. Codominant grasses differ in gene expression under experimental climate extremes in native tallgrass prairie. PeerJ. 2018:e4394. doi:https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4394.
