Konza LTER Publications

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Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Harnett DC. Relationship between mycorrhizal dependence and competitive ability of two tallgrass prairie grasses. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1989;67:2608 -2615. doi:10.1139/b89-337.
Dodds WK, Hutson RE, Eichem AC, et al. The relationship of floods, drying, flow and light to primary production and producer biomass in a prairie stream. Hydrobiologia. 1996;333:151 -159. doi:10.1007/BF00013429.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Relationship of native and introduced mycorrhizal fungi to mycorrhizal dependence of Andropogon gerardii and Koeleria pyranidata. Mycologia. 1990;82:779 -782. doi:10.2307/3760166.
Porazinska DL, Bardgett RD, Blaauw MB, et al. Relationships at the aboveground-belowground interface: Plants, soil biota, and soil processes. Ecological Monographs. 2003;73:377 -395. doi:10.1890/0012-9615(2003)073[0377:RATAIP]2.0.CO;2.
Turner DP, Cohen WB, Kennedy RE, Fassnacht KS, Briggs JM. Relationships between leaf area index and Landsat TM spectral vegetation indices across three temperate zone sites. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 1999;70:52 -68. doi:10.1016/S0034-4257(99)00057-7.
Whiles MR, Dodds WK. Relationships between stream size, suspended particles, and filter-feeding macroinvertebrates in a Great Plains drainage network. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2002;31:1589 -1600. doi:10.2134/jeq2002.1589.
Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT, Todd TC. Relationships of mycorrhizal symbiosis, rooting strategy and phenology among tallgrass prairie forbs. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1992;70:1521 -1528. doi:10.1139/b92-191.
Kitt DG, Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Relationships of soil fertility to suppression of the growth response of mycorrhizal big bluestem in nonsterile soil. New Phytologist. 1988;109:473 -482. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1988.tb03723.x.
Fay PA, Blair JM, Smith MD, Nippert JB, Carlisle JD, Knapp AK. Relative effects of precipitation variability and warming on tallgrass prairie ecosystem function. Biogeosciences. 2011;8:3053 -3068. doi:10.5194/bg-8-3053-2011.
Nellis MD. Remote sensing for monitoring rangeland management strategies in the Kansas Flint Hills. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 1986;26:370 -375.
Dyer MI, Turner CL, Seastedt TR. Remote sensing measurements of production processes in grazing lands: the need for new methodologies. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 1991;34:495 -505. doi:10.1016/0167-8809(91)90132-H.
Ling BH. Remote sensing of vegetation characteristics and spatial analysis of pyric herbivory in a Tallgrass Prairie. 2018;PhD. Dissertation. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/39091.
Feldman AF, Gianotti DJShort, Dong J, et al. Remotely sensed soil moisture can capture dynamics relevant to plant water uptake. Water Resources Research. 2023;59(2):e2022WR033814. doi:10.1029/2022WR033814.
Larson DM, Dodds WK, Veach AM. Removal of woody riparian vegetation substantially altered a stream ecosystem in an otherwise undisturbed grassland watershed. Ecosystems. 2019;22(1):64 - 76. doi:10.1007/s10021-018-0252-2.
Gido KB, Hedden SC, Bruckerhoff LA, et al. Removing a perched culvert facilitates dispersal of fishes in an intermittent prairie stream but not recovery from drought. Freshwater Science. In Press.
Sandercock BK, Casey AE, Green DE, Ip HS, Converse KA. Reovirus associated with mortality of an Upland Sandpiper. Wader Study GroupBulletin. 2008;115:60 -61.
Slette IJ, Hoover DL, Smith MD, Knapp AK. Repeated extreme droughts decrease root production, but not the potential for post‐drought recovery of root production, in a mesic grassland. Oikos. 2023;1:e08899. doi:10.1111/oik.08899.
Pellegrini AFA, Hobbie SE, Reich PB, et al. Repeated fire shifts carbon and nitrogen cycling by changing plant inputs and soil decomposition across ecosystems. Ecological Monographs. 2020;90(4):e01409. doi:10.1002/ecm.1409.
McNew LB, Gregory AJ, Wisely SM, Sandercock BK. Reproductive biology of a southern population of Greater Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology. 2011;39:209 -221. Available at: https://alaska.usgs.gov/science/biology/landbirds/pdfs/McNew_etal_2011_sab1.pdf.
Haller SJ. Reproductive biology of Lespedeza cuneata. 2005;BS Thesis.
Hoover DL, Knapp AK, Smith MD. Resistance and resilience of a grassland ecosystem to climate extremes. Ecology. 2014;95:2646 -2656. doi:10.1890/13-2186.1.
Fritz KM, Dodds WK. Resistance and resilience of macroinvertebrate assemblages to drying and flood in a tallgrass prairie stream system. Hydrobiologia. 2004;597:99 -112. Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B:HYDR.0000043188.53497.9b.
Knapp AK, Chen A, Griffin-Nolan RJ, et al. Resolving the Dust Bowl paradox of grassland responses to extreme drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020;117(36):22249-22255. doi:10.1073/pnas.1922030117.
Chang CC, Smith MD. Resource availability modulates above and belowground competitive interactions between genotypes of a dominant C4 grass. Functional Ecology. 2014;28:1041 -1051. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12227.
Johnson NC, Wilson GT, Bowker M, Wilson JA, Miller RM. Resource limitation is a driver of local adaptation in mycorrhizal symbioses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010;107:2093 -2098. doi:10.1073/pnas.0906710107.
Chaves FA, Smith MD. Resources do not limit compensatory response of a tallgrass prairie plant community to the loss of a dominant species. Journal of Ecology. 2021;109(10):3617-3633. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13741.
Wedel ER. Resource-use strategies of woody plants in grassy ecosystems. Department of Biology. 2023;PhD Dissertation. Available at: https://krex.k-state.edu/items/4a62e6f9-df74-4f77-a9ea-c5a90861690a.
Ross M. Response and recovery of grassland plant communities exposed to multiyear drought differs across a precipitation gradient. 2022;MS Thesis. Available at: https://api.mountainscholar.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/d7eb2bdf-6570-4232-abc4-8229e1c8f835/content.
Knapp AK, Gilliam FS. Response of Andropogon gerardii (poaceae ) to fire-induced high vs.low irradiance environments in tallgrass prairie: leaf structure and photosynthetic pigments. American Journal of Botany. 1985;72:1668 -1671. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2443720.
Fahnestock JT, Knapp AK. Response of Andropogon gerardii to simulated acid rain. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1990;93:85 -90. doi:10.2307/3628150.
McArthur JV, Marzolf GR, Urban JE. Response of bacteria isolated from a pristine prairie stream to concentration and source of soluble organic carbon. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 1985;49:238 -241.
Gray LJ. Response of insectivorous birds to emerging aquatic insects in riparian habitats of a tallgrass prairie stream. American Midland Naturalist. 1993;129:288 -300. doi:10.2307/2426510.
Williams MA. Response of microbial communities to water stress in irrigated anddrought-prone tallgrass prairie soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2007;39:2750 -2757. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2007.05.025.
Goad RK. Response of regional sources of tallgrass prairie species to variation in climate and soil microbial communities. 2012;MS Thesis. Available at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/922/.
Johnson SR. Response of roundleaf monkeyflower to flooding in small streams in northeastern Kansas. Prairie Naturalist. 1994;26:309 -310.
Knapp AK, Hamerlynck EP, Ham JM, Owensby CE. Responses in stomatal conductance to elevated CO2 in 12 grassland species that differ in growth form. Vegetatio. 1996;125:31 -41. doi:10.1007/BF00045202.
Turner CT, Knapp AK. Responses of a C4 grass and three C3 forbs to variation in nitrogen and light in tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 1996;77:1738 -1749. doi:10.2307/2265779.
Parker TH. Responses of Bell's vireos to brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird in Kansas. Wilson Bulletin. 1999;111:499 -504. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4164135.
Powell AFLA. Responses of breeding birds in tallgrass prairie to fire and cattle grazing. Journal of Field Ornithology. 2008;79:41 -52. doi:10.1111/j.1557-9263.2008.00144.x.
Fahnestock JT, Knapp AK. Responses of forbs and grasses to selective grazing by bison: interactions between herbivory and water stress. Vegetatio. 1994;115:123 -131. doi:10.1007/BF00044867.
Blair JM, Todd TC, Callaham MA. Responses of grassland soil invertebrates to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. In: Coleman DC, Hendrix PF Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems. Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems. New York, NY: CAB International Press; 2000:43 -71. doi:10.1079/9780851993942.0043.
Tank JL, Dodds WK. Responses of heterotrophic and autotrophic biofilms to nutrients in ten streams. Freshwater Biology. 2003;48:1031 -1049. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2003.01067.x.
O'Lear HE, Blair JM. Responses of soil microarthropods to changes in soil water availability in tallgrass prairie. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1999;29:207 -217. doi:10.1007/s003740050546.
Bremer D, Ham JM, Owensby CE, Knapp AK. Responses of soil respiration to clipping and grazing in a tallgrass prairie. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1998;27:1539 -1548. doi:10.2134/jeq1998.00472425002700060034x.
Hartman JC. Responses of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) to precipitation amount and temperature. 2011;MS Thesis. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/10720.
Silletti AM, Knapp AK. Responses of the co-dominant grassland species Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans to long-term manipulations of nitrogen and water. American Midland Naturalist. 2001;145:159 -167. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(2001)145[0159:ROTCGS]2.0.CO;2.
Dalgleish HJ, Kula AR, Hartnett DC, Sandercock BK. Responses of two bunchgrasses to nitrogen addition in tallgrass prairie: the role of bud bank demography. American Journal of Botany. 2008;95:672 -680. doi:10.3732/ajb.2007277.
Davy AL. Responses of two forbs, Solidago canadensis and Vernonia baldwinii , to variation in nitrogen availability and light environments in lowland, annually burned tallgrass prairie. 1996;MS Thesis:1 -75.
Kirkman K, Collins SL, Smith MD, et al. Responses to fire differ between South African and North American grassland communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014;25:793 -804. doi:10.1111/jvs.12130.
Carson M. Responses to long-term fertilization and burning: impacts on nutrient dynamics and microbial composition in a tallgrass prairie. 2013;MS Thesis. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/16029.
