Konza LTER Publications

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Book Chapter
Kaufman DW, Kaufman GA, Fay PA, Zimmerman JL, Evans EW. Animal populations and communities. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:113 -139.
Rice CW, Todd TC, Blair JM, Seastedt TR, Ramundo RA, Wilson GT. Belowground biology and processes. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:244 -264.
Seastedt TR, Hayden BP, Owensby CE, Knapp AK. Climate change, elevated CO2 and predictive modeling: Past and future climate change scenarios for the tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:283 -300. Available at: http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/GDPE/Distinguished_Ecologists/2005/Hayden/grassland%20dynamics%20ch16.pdf.
Hartnett DC, Steuter AA, Hickman KR. Comparative ecology of native and introduced ungulates. In: Knopf FL, Samson FB Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1997:72 -101. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2703-6_4.
Collins SL, Steinauer EM. Disturbance, diversity and species interactions in tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:140 -156.
Kaufman DW, Fay PA, Kaufman GA, Zimmerman JL. Diversity of terrestrial macrofauna. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:101 -112.
Collins SL, Knapp AK, Hartnett DC, Briggs JM. The dynamic tallgrass prairie: Synthesis and research opportunities. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:301 -315.
Collins SL, Knapp AK, Hartnett DC, Briggs JM. The dynamic tallgrass prairie: Synthesis and research opportunities. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:301 -315.
Trollope WSW, Trollope LA, Hartnett DC. Fire behaviour as a key factor in the fire ecology of African grasslands and savannas. In: Viegas DX Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire. Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire. Millpress, Rotterdam Netherlands; 2002:204 -.
Freeman CC. The flora of Konza Prairie: A historical review and contemporary patterns. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:69 -80.
Oviatt CG. Geomorphology of the Konza Prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:35 -47.
Knapp AK, Seastedt TR. Grasslands, Konza Prairie and long-term ecological Research. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:3 -15.
Gray LJ, Macpherson GL, Koelliker JK, Dodds WK. Hydrology and aquatic chemistry. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:159 -176.
Briggs JM, Nellis MD, Turner CL, Henebry GM, Su H. A landscape perspective of patterns and processes in tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:265 -279.
Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Blair JM, Turner CL. Patterns and controls of aboveground net primary production in tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:193 -221.
Hartnett DC, Fay PA. Plant populations: Patterns and processes. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:81 -100.
Hartnett DC, Fay PA. Plant populations: Patterns and processes. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:81 -100.
Hartnett DC, Keeler KH. Population Processes. In: Joern A, Keeler KK The Changing Prairie. The Changing Prairie. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1995:82 -99.
Hayden BP. Regional climate and the distribution of tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:19 -34. Available at: http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/GDPE/Distinguished_Ecologists/2005/Hayden/grassland%20dynamics%20ch2.pdf.
Ransom MD, Rice CW, Todd TC, Wehmueller WA. Soils and soil biota. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:48 -66.
Gray LJ, Dodds WK. Structure and dynamics of aquatic communities. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:177 -189.
Blair JM, Seastedt TR, Rice CW, Ramundo RA. Terrestrial nutrient cycling in tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-term Ecological Research. Grassland Dynamics: Long-term Ecological Research. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:222 -243.
Conference Proceedings
Gibson DJ, Towne EG. Dynamics of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) in ungrazed tallgrass prairie. Hartnett DC. 1995:9 -15.
Kaufman GK, Kaufman DW, Brillhart DE, Finck EJ. Effect of topography on the distribution of small mammals on the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, Kansas. Hartnett DC. 1995:97 -102. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC14/reference/econatres.napc14.gkaufman.pdf.
Hartnett DC, Hickman KR, Walter LEF. Effects of bison grazing, on floristic diversity in tallgrass prairie. 1995:215 -216.
Hartnett DC, Hickman KR, Walter LEF. Effects of bison grazing on plant species diversity in tallgrass prairie. West NE. 1996:215 -216.
Hickman KR, Hartnett DC, Cochran RC. Effects of grazing systems and stocking rates on plant species diversity in Kansas tallgrass prairie. West NE. 1996:228 -229.
Hamerlynck EP, Knapp AK. Environmental and physiological factors influencing the distribution of oaks near the edge of their range. Hartnett DC. 1995:17 -20. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC14/reference/econatres.napc14.ehamerlynck.pdf.
Johnson SR. Gas exchange and reproduction of Spiranthes vernalis (Orchidaceae) in a Kansas tallgrass prairie. Hartnett DC. 1995:21 -24. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC14/reference/econatres.napc14.sjohnson.pdf.
Reichman OJ. The influence of crowding and pocket gopher disturbance on growth and reproduction of a biennial, Tragopogon dubius. Hartnett DC. 1995:123 -127. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC14/reference/econatres.napc14.oreichman.pdf.
Towne EG. Influence of fire frequency and burning date on the proportion of reproductive tillers in big bluestem and indiangrass. Hartnett DC. 1995:75 -78. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC14/reference/econatres.napc14.etowne.pdf.
Henebry GM, Su H. Observing spatial structure in the Flint Hills using AVHRR biweekly composites of maximum NDVI. Hartnett DC. 1995:143 -151.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW, Kaufman GA, Gurtz SK. Population ecology of Elliot's short-tail shrew and least shrew in ungrazed tallgrass prairie. Hartnett DC. 1995:87 -92.
Kaufman DW, Bixler SH. Prairie voles impact plants in tallgrass prairie. Hartnett DC. 1995:117 -121.
Brillhart DE, Kaufman GA, Kaufman DW. Small-mammal use of experimental patches of tallgrass prairie: influence of topographic position and fire history. Hartnett DC. 1995:59 -65.
Yavitt JB, Knapp AK. Wetlands may change tallgrass prairie from a sink to a source for atmospheric methane. Hartnett DC. 1995:137 -141. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC14/reference/econatres.napc14.jyavitt.pdf.
Journal Article
VanderWeide BL, Hartnett DC. Belowground bud bank response to grazing under severe, short-term drought. Oecologia. 2015;178(3):795-806. doi:10.1007/s00442-015-3249-y.
Benson E, Hartnett DC, Mann K. Belowground bud banks and meristem limitation in tallgrass prairie plant populations. American Journal of Botany. 2004;91:416 -421. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.3.416.
Dalgleish HJ, Hartnett DC. Belowground bud banks increase along a precipitation gradient of the North American Great Plains: a test of the meristem limitation hypothesis. New Phytologist. 2006;171:81 -89. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01739.x.
VanderWeide BL, Hartnett DC, Carter DL. Belowground bud banks of tallgrass prairie are insensitive to multi-year, growing-season drought. Ecosphere. 2014;5: art103. doi:10.1890/ES14-00058.1.
Elson A, Hartnett DC. Bison increase the growth and reproduction of forbs in Tallgrass Prairie. American Midland Naturalist. 2017;178(2):259. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-178.2.245.
Pfeiffer KE, Hartnett DC. Bison selectivity and grazing responses of little bluestem in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Range Management. 1995;48:26 -31. doi:10.2307/4002500.
Ott JP, Hartnett DC. Bud bank dynamics and clonal growth strategy in the rhizomatous grass Pascopyrum smithii. Plant Ecology. 2015;216:395 -405. doi:10.1007/s11258-014-0444-6.
Hartnett DC, Setshogo MP, Dalgleish HJ. Bud banks of perennial savanna grasses in Botswana. African Journal of Ecology. 2006;44:256 -263. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2006.00646.x.
Ott JP, Hartnett DC. Bud production and dynamics of flowering and vegetative tillers of the perennial grass Andropogon gerardii (Poaceae): the role of developmental constraints. American Journal of Botany. 2011;98:1293 -1298. doi:10.3732/ajb.1000264.
Fay PA, Hartnett DC. Constraints on the growth and allocation patterns of Silphium integrifolium (Asteraceae ) caused by cynipid gall wasps. Oecologia. 1991;88:243 -250. doi:10.1007/BF00320818.
Ott JP, Hartnett DC. Contrasting bud bank dynamics of two co-occurring grasses in tallgrass prairie: implications for grassland dynamics. Plant Ecology. 2012;213:1437 -1448. doi:10.1007/s11258-012-0102-9.
Williamson M, Wilson GT, Hartnett DC. Controls on bud activation and tiller initiation in C3 and C4 tallgrass prairie grasses: the role of light and nitrogen. Botany. 2012;90:1221 -1228. doi:10.1139/b2012-091.
Hartnett DC, Ott JP, Sebes K, Ditlhogo M. Coping with herbivory at the juvenile stage: Responses to defoliation and browsing in the African savanna tree Colophospermum mopane. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 2012;28:161 -169. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0266467412000028 .
