Konza LTER Publications

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Seastedt TR. Belowground macroarthropods of annually burned and unburned tallgrass prairie. American Midland Naturalist. 1984;111:405 -408.
Seastedt TR. Microarthropods of burned and unburned tallgrass prairie. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 1984;57:468 -476. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/25084545.
Schaeffer DJ, Seastedt TR, Gibson DJ, et al. Field bioassessment for selecting test systems to evaluate military training lands in tallgrass prairie. Ecosystem Health.V.1 Environmental Management. 1990;14:81 -93. doi:10.1007/BF02394022.
Seastedt TR, Ramundo RA. The influence of fire on belowground processes of tallgrass prairies. In: Collins SL, Wallace LL Fire in North American Tallgrass Prairie. Fire in North American Tallgrass Prairie. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press; 1990:99 -117.
Ramundo RA, Seastedt TR. Site-specific underestimation of wetfall NH+4 using NADP data. Atmospheric Environment. 1990;24A:3093 -3095. doi:10.1016/0960-1686(90)90489-A.
Seastedt TR, Briggs JM, Gibson DJ. Controls of nitrogen limitation in tallgrass prairie. Oecologia. 1991;87:72 -79. doi:10.1007/BF00323782.
Seastedt TR, Reddy VM. Fire, mowing and insecticide effects on soil Sternorrhyncha (Homoptera) densities in tallgrass prairie. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 1991;64:238 -242. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/25085278.
Dyer MI, Turner CL, Seastedt TR. Influence of mowing and fertilization on biomass, productivity and spectral reflectance in Bromus inermis plots. Ecological Applications. 1991;1:443 -452. doi:10.2307/1941901.
Seastedt TR, Briggs JM. Longterm ecological questions and considerations for taking longterm measurements: Lessons from the LTER and FIFE programs on tallgrass prairie. In: Risser PJ Long­term Ecological Research: An International Perspective (SCOPE Vol. 47). Long­term Ecological Research: An International Perspective (SCOPE Vol. 47). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 1991:153 -172.
Schimel DS, Kittel TGF, Knapp AK, Seastedt TR, Parton WJ, Brown VB. Physiological interactions along resource gradients in a tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 1991;72:672 -684. doi:10.2307/2937207.
Dyer MI, Turner CL, Seastedt TR. Remote sensing measurements of production processes in grazing lands: the need for new methodologies. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 1991;34:495 -505. doi:10.1016/0167-8809(91)90132-H.
Seastedt TR, Knapp AK. Consequences of non-equilibrium resource availability across multiple time scales: the transient maxima hypothesis. American Naturalist. 1993;141:621 -633. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2462753.
Reichman OJ, Benedix JH, Seastedt TR. Distinct Animal-Generated Edge Effects in a Tallgrass Prairie Community. Ecology. 1993;74:1281 -1285. doi:10.2307/1940496.
Dyer MI, Turner CL, Seastedt TR. Herbivory and its consequences. Ecological Applications. 1993;3:10 -16. doi:10.2307/1941781.
Knapp AK, Fahnestock JT, Hamburg SP, Statland LJ, Seastedt TR, Schimel DS. Landscape patterns in soil-water relations and primary production in tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 1993;74:549 -560. doi:10.2307/1939315.
Gibson DJ, Seastedt TR, Briggs JM. Management practices in tallgrass prairie: Large- and small-scale experimental effects on species composition. Journal of Applied Ecology. 1993;30:247 -255. doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-4018-1_12.
Turner CL, Seastedt TR, Dyer MI. Maximization of aboveground grassland production: the role of defoliation frequency, intensity and history. Ecological Applications. 1993;3:175 -186. doi:10.2307/1941800.
Parton WJ, Scurlock JMO, Ojima DS, et al. Observations and modeling of biomass and soil organic matter dynamics for the grassland biome worldwide. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 1993;7:785 -809. doi:10.1029/93GB02042.
Benning TL, Seastedt TR. Landscape-level interactions between topoedaphic features and nitrogen limitation in tallgrass prairie. Landscape Ecology. 1995;10:337 -348. doi:10.1007/BF00130211.
Evans EW, Seastedt TR. The relations of phytophagous invertebrates and rangeland plants. In: Bedunah DJ, Sosebee RE Wildland Plants: Physiological Ecology and Developmental Morphology. Wildland Plants: Physiological Ecology and Developmental Morphology. Denver, CO: Society for Range Management; 1995:580 -634.
Seastedt TR. Soil systems and nutrient cycles of the North American Prairie. In: Joern A, Keeler KK The Changing Prairie. The Changing Prairie. Oxford University Press; 1995:157 -174.
O'Lear HA, Seastedt TR, Briggs JM, Blair JM, Ramundo RA. Fire and topographic effects on decomposition rates and nitrogen dynamics of buried wood in tallgrass prairie. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 1996;28:323 -329. doi:10.1016/0038-0717(95)00138-7.
Parton WJ, Coughenour MB, Scurlock JMO, et al. Global grassland ecosystem modelling: development and test of ecosystem models for grassland systems. In: Breymeyer AI, Hall DO, Melillo JM, Agren GI Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. Chichester: Wiley and Sons; 1996:229 -270.
Ojima DS, Parton WJ, Coughenour MB, et al. Impact of climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide changes on grasslands of the world. In: Breymeyer AI, Hall DO, Melillo JM, Agren GI Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. Chichester: Wiley and Sons; 1996:271 -312.
Rice CW, Todd TC, Blair JM, Seastedt TR, Ramundo RA, Wilson GT. Belowground biology and processes. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:244 -264.
