Konza LTER Publications

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Mulholland PJ, Fellows CS, Tank JL, et al. Inter-biome comparison of factors controlling stream metabolism. Freshwater Biology. 2001;46:1503 -1517. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2001.00773.x.
Bernot MJ, Sobota DJ, Hall RO, et al. Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on stream metabolism. Freshwater Biology. 2010;55:1874 -1890. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02422.x.
Webster JR, Blood ER, Gregory SV, Gurtz ME, Sparks RE, Thurman EM. Long-term research in stream ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 1985;66:346 -353. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/20166454.