Konza LTER Publications

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Sandercock BK, Alfaro-Barrios M, Casey AE, et al. Effects of grazing and prescribed fire on resource selection and nest survival of upland sandpipers in an experimental landscape. Landscape Ecology. 2015;30:325 -337. doi:10.1007/s10980-014-0133-9.
Sandercock BK, Casey AE, Green DE, Ip HS, Converse KA. Reovirus associated with mortality of an Upland Sandpiper. Wader Study GroupBulletin. 2008;115:60 -61.
Sandercock BK, Hewett EL, Kosciuch KL. Effects of experimental cowbird removals on brood parasitism and nest predation in a grassland songbird. Auk. 2008;125:820 -830. doi:10.1525/auk.2008.06155.
Sandercock BK, Jensen WE, Williams CK, Applegate RD. Demographic sensitivity of population change in the Northern Bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management. 2008;72:970 -982. doi:10.2193/2007-124.
Sandercock BK. Estimation of demographic parameters from liveencounter data: a summary review. Journal of Wildlife Management. 2006;70:1504 -1520. doi:10.2193/0022-541X(2006)70[1504:EODPFL]2.0.CO;2.
Sandercock BK, Wisely SM, McNew LB, Gregory AJ, Winder VL, Hunt LM. Environmental impacts of wind power development on the population biology of Greater Prairie-Chickens. U.S. Department of Energy, Final Project Report for Award DOE/EE0000526 (technical report). Final Project Report for Award DOE/EE0000526. 2013.
Sandercock BK, Kramos G. Longevity records show that Upland Sandpipers are long-lived birds. Wader Study. 2020;127(1):60 -64. doi:10.18194/ws.00177.