Konza LTER Publications
Thirteen decades of foliar isotopes indicate declining nitrogen availability in central North American grasslands. New Phytologist. 2010;187:1135 -1145. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03322.x.
. Linking plant growth responses across topographic gradients in tallgrass prairie. Oecologia. 2011;166:1131 -1142. doi:10.1007/s00442-011-1948-6.
Positive feedbacks amplify rates of woody encroachment in mesic tallgrass prairie. Ecosphere. 2011;2:121 -. doi:10.1890/ES11-00212.1.
. Changes in stomatal conductance along grass blades reflect changes in leaf structure. Plant Cell and Environment. 2012;35:1040 -1049. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02470.x.
. Community traitscape of foliar nitrogen isotopes reveals N availabiity patterns in a tallgrass prairie. Plant and Soil. 2012;356:395 -403. doi:10.1007/s11104-012-1141-7.
. Growth and survival during drought: The link between hydraulic architecture and drought tolerance in grasses. 2012;PhD Dissertation:1 -1117. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/13803.
. Root characteristics of C-4 grasses limit reliance on deep soil water in tallgrass prairie. Plant and Soil. 2012;355:385 -394. doi:10.1007/s11104-011-1112-4.
. Evidence of physiological decoupling from grassland ecosystem drivers by an encroaching woody shrub. PLoS ONE. 2013;8:81630 -. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081630.
. Global diversity of drought tolerance and grassland climate-change resilience. Nature Climate Change. 2013;3:63 -67. doi:10.1038/nclimate1634.
Identifying the water sources consumed by bison: implications for large mammalian grazers worldwide. Ecosphere. 2013;4:23 -. doi:10.1890/ES12-00359.1.
. Abrupt transition of mesic grassland to shrubland: evidence for thresholds, alternative attractors, and regime shifts. Ecology. 2014;95:2633 -2645. doi:10.1890/13-1369.1.
. Lack of eutrophication in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem over 27 years. Ecology. 2014;95:1225 -1235. doi:10.1890/13-1068.1.
. Stomatal responses to changes in vapor pressure deficit reflect tissue-specific differences in hydraulic conductance. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2014;37:132 -139. doi:10.1111/pce.12137.
. Beyond arctic and alpine: the influence of winter climate on temperate ecosystems. Ecology. 2016;97(2):372 - 382. doi:10.1890/15-0153.1.