Konza LTER Publications
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Characteristics and significance of the caches of eastern woodrats (Neotoma floridana ). Journal of Mammalogy. 1993;74:688 -692. doi:10.2307/1382290.
. Changes in microbial populations from eastern woodrat caches. Southwestern Naturalist. 1993;38:30 -35. doi:10.2307/3671641.
. Change in nutrient content of foods stored by eastern woodrats (Neotoma florida). Journal of Mammalogy. 1992;73:835 -839. doi:10.2307/1382204.
. Characterizing organic matter inputs to sediments of small, intermittent, prairie streams: a molecular marker and stable isotope approach. Aquatic Sciences. 2016;78(2):343 - 354. doi:10.1007/s00027-015-0435-2.
. Climate change alters growing season flux dynamics in mesic grasslands. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2012;107:427 -440. doi:10.1007/s00704-011-0484-y.
. Climate forcings and the nonlinear dynamics of grassland ecosystems. 2010;MS Thesis. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/1808/6633.
. Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams. Science. 2001;292:86 -90. doi:10.1126/science.1056874.
Cultural conformity and persistence in Dickcissel song are higher in locations in which males show high site fidelity. Ornithology. 2021;139(1):1-17. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukab061.
Contrasting shrub and grass hydraulic responses to experimental drought. Oecologia. 2024;204:931 - 941. doi:10.1007/s00442-024-05543-w.
. Contrasting bud bank dynamics of two co-occurring grasses in tallgrass prairie: implications for grassland dynamics. Plant Ecology. 2012;213:1437 -1448. doi:10.1007/s11258-012-0102-9.
. Changes in stomatal conductance along grass blades reflect changes in leaf structure. Plant Cell and Environment. 2012;35:1040 -1049. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02470.x.
. Controls of nitrogen spiraling in Kansas streams. 2006;PhD Dissertation:1 -157. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/174.
. Canopy photosynthesis. In: Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis. New York, N.Y: Alan R. Liss, Inc; 1989:227 -241.
. The comparative floral ecology of seven species of Onagraceae in native tallgrass prairie (pollination). 1999;PhD Dissertation.
. Comparing the influence of precipitation, fire, and topography on plant productivity in the tallgrass prairie. 2005;3. Available at: http://tiee.ecoed.net/vol/v3/issues/data_sets/konza/abstract.html.
. Challenging the maximum rooting depth paradigm in grasslands and savannas. . Functional Ecology. 2015;29(6):739 - 745. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12390.
. Climate change in grassland ecosystems: current impacts and potential actions for a sustainable future. In: CLIMATE ACTIONS - LOCAL APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS. 1st ed. CLIMATE ACTIONS - LOCAL APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS. CRC; 2022:36. Available at: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003048701-4/climate-change-grassland-ecosystems-jesse-nippert-seton-bachle-rachel-keen-emily-wedel.
. Consumer return chronology alters recovery trajectory of stream ecosystem structure and function following drought. Ecology. 2010;91:1048 -1062. doi:10.1890/08-2168.1.
. Can uptake length in streams be determined by nutrient addition experiments? Results from an inter-biome comparison study. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 2002;21:544 -560. doi:10.2307/1468429.
Comparative ecohydrology between Cornus drummondii and Solidago canadensis in upland tallgrass prairie. Plant Ecology. 2016;217(2):267-276. doi:10.1007/s11258-016-0567-z.
. Contribution to the taxonomy and faunistics of the genus Meropleon Dyar (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 2005:812 -819. Available at: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=17159757.
. A case of senescence for the white-footed mouse?. The Southwestern Naturalist. 1997;42:236 -237.
. Conversion of grassland to coniferous woodland has limited effects on soil nitrogen cycle processes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2008;40:2627 -2633. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2008.07.005.
. Consequences of conversion of native Mesic grassland to coniferous forest on soil processes and ecosystem C and N storage. 2007;PhD Dissertation:1 -200. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/253.
. Central place foraging for non-food items: determination of the stick size value relationship of house building materials collected by eastern woodrats. The American Naturalist. 1984;123:841 -853. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2460904.
. Conservation of nitrogen increases with precipitation across a major grassland gradient in the Central Great Plains of North America. Oecologia. 2009;159:571 -581. doi:10.1007/s00442-008-1229-1.
. C3 woody plant expansion in a C4 grassland: are grasses and shrubs functionally distinct?. American Journal of Botany. 2001;88:1818 -1823. Available at: http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/abstract/88/10/1818.
. C3 shrub expansion in a C4 grassland: positive post-fire responses in resources and shoot growth. American Journal of Botany. 2003;90:1496 -1501. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.10.1496.
. Changes in soluble nutrients of prairie riparian vegetation during decomposition on a floodplain. The American Midland Naturalist. 1987;117:26 -34. doi:10.2307/2425704.
. Connectivity of the American agricultural landscape: Assessing the national risk of crop pest and disease spread. Bioscience. 2009;59:141 -151. doi:https://doi.org/10.1525/bio.2009.59.2.7.
. CO2 distribution in groundwater and the impact of groundwater extraction on the global C cycle. Chemical Geology. 2009;264:328 -336. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.03.018.
. Consequences of shrub expansion in mesic grassland: resource alterations and graminoid responses. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2003;14:487 -496. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2003.tb02175.x.
. Consistent responses of soil microbial communities to elevated nutrient inputs in grasslands across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015;112(35):10967 - 10972. doi:10.1073/pnas.1508382112.
Comparison of hyperspectral and multispectral data for estimating leaf area index in four biomes. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2004;91:508 -520. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2004.04.010.
. Comparison of spatial and temporal variability of ecological parameters from 12 North American ecosystems. In: Evaluating And Monitoring The Health Of Large-Scale Ecosystems, NATO ASI series, Vol I 28. Evaluating And Monitoring The Health Of Large-Scale Ecosystems, NATO ASI series, Vol I 28. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1995:359 -383.
Cowbird removals unexpectedly increase productivity of a brood parasite and the songbird host. Ecological Applications. 2008;18:537 -548. doi:10.1890/07-0984.1.
. Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2018;2:1925-1932. doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-018-0696-y.
Considerations in modeling the hydrology of Konza Prairie long-term ecological research site. In: Modeling Agricultural, Forest and Rangeland Hydrology. Modeling Agricultural, Forest and Rangeland Hydrology. St.Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers; 1988:377 -386.
. Consequences of more extreme precipitation regimes for terrestrial ecosystems. BioScience. 2008;58:811 -821. doi:10.1641/B580908.
Convergence and contingency in production-precipitation relationships in North American and South African C4 grasslands. Oecologia. 2006;149:456 -464. doi:10.1007/s00442-006-0468-2.
. Community stability does not preclude ecosystem sensitivity to chronic resource alteration. Functional Ecology. 2012;26:1231 -1233. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.02053.x.
. Characterizing differences in precipitation regimes of extreme wet and dry years: Implications for climate change experiments. Global Change Biology. 2015;21:2624 -2633. doi:10.1111/gcb.12888.
Community and ecosystem changes in tallgrass prairie restorations: the effects of population source and diversity. 2013;PhD. Dissertation. Available at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/dissertations/684/.
. Convergent and contingent community responses to grass source and dominance during prairie restoration across a longitudinal gradient. Environmental Management. 2014;53:252 -265. doi:10.1007/s00267-013-0209-3.
. A comparison of soil hydraulic properties on Konza Prairie burning treatments. 1989;PhD Dissertation:1 -87.
. Chemical changes in tree leaves during decomposition in a tallgrass prairie stream. Ecology. 1982;63:585 -589. doi:10.2307/1938976.
. Centimeter-scale patterns of oxygen concentrations related to nitrification in prairie stream substrate. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 2001;20:347 -357. doi:10.2307/1468033.
. Comparisons of nitrification and denitrification in prairie and agriculturally influenced streams. Ecological Applications. 2002;12:998 -1009. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2002)012[0998:CONADI]2.0.CO;2.
. Combined effects of fire and drought are not sufficient to slow shrub encroachment in tallgrass prairie. Oecologia. 2024;204:727 - 742. doi:10.1007/s00442-024-05526-x.
. Clone size of Andropogon gerardii Vitman (Big Bluestem) at Konza Prairie, Kansas. American Midland Naturalist. 2002;147:295 -304. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(2002)147[0295:CSOAGV]2.0.CO;2.