Konza LTER Publications
Environmental impacts of wind power development on the population biology of Greater Prairie-Chickens. U.S. Department of Energy, Final Project Report for Award DOE/EE0000526 (technical report). Final Project Report for Award DOE/EE0000526. 2013.
. Demography of Greater Prairie-Chickens: regional variation in vital rates, sensitivity values, and population dynamics. Journal of Wildlife Management. 2012;76:987 -1000. doi:10.1002/jwmg.369.
. Genetic parentage and local population structure in the socially monogamous Upland Sandpiper. Condor. 2011;113:119 -128. doi:10.1525/cond.2011.100100.
. Hierarchical modeling of lek habitats of Greater Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology. 2011;39:21 -32. Available at: https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/documents/R2ES/LitCited/LPC_2012/Gregory_et_al_2011.pdf.
. Historical processes and landscape context influence genetic structure in peripheral populations of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris). Landscape Ecology. 2011;26:1125 -1136. doi:10.1007/s10980-011-9631-1.
. Human-mediated selection on life-history traits of Greater Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology. 2011;39:255 -266. Available at: https://alaska.usgs.gov/science/biology/landbirds/pdfs/McNew_etal_2011_sab2.pdf.
. The influence of behavioral and landscape ecology on Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) genetic structure and evolution. 2011;PhD Dissertation:1 -129. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/8530.
. Population genetic structure and landscape connectivity of the Eastern Yellowbelly Racer (Coluber constrictor flaviventris) in the contiguous tallgrass prairie of northeastern Kansas, USA. Landscape Ecology. 2011;26:281 -294. doi:10.1007/s10980-010-9554-2.
. Reproductive biology of a southern population of Greater Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology. 2011;39:209 -221. Available at: https://alaska.usgs.gov/science/biology/landbirds/pdfs/McNew_etal_2011_sab1.pdf.
. Comparative genome scan detects host-related divergent selection in the grasshopper Hesperotettix viridis. Molecular Ecology. 2010;19:4012 -4028. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04792.x.
. Divergent host plant adaptation drives the evolution of reproductive isolation in the grasshopper Hesperotettix viridis (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 2010;100:866 -878. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2010.01458.x.
. Estimating the stage of incubation for nests of Greater Prairie-chickens using egg flotation: a float curve for grousers. Grouse News. 2009;38:12 -14. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228517269_Estimating_the_stage_of_incubation_for_nests_of_Greater_Prairie-Chickens_using_egg_flotation_a_float_curve_for_grousers.
. Heteroduplex molecules cause sexing errors in a standard molecular protocol for avian sexing. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2009;9:61 -65. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2008.02307.x.
. Highly polymorphic microsatellites in the North American snakeweed grasshopper, Hesperotettix viridis. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 2009;18:19 -21. doi:10.1665/034.018.0111.
. Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis, and other mephitids. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2009;9:383 -385. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2008.02463.x.