Konza LTER Publications

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Heckathorn SA, DeLucia EH. Retranslocation of shoot nitrogen to rhizomes and roots in prairie grasses may limit loss of N to grazing and fire during drought. Functional Ecology. 1996;10:396 -400. doi:10.2307/2390289.
Rice CW, Moorman T, Beare M. Role of microbial biomass C and N in soil quality. In: Doran JW, Jones AJ Methods for Assessing Soil Quality. Methods for Assessing Soil Quality. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America Inc; 1996:203 -215.
Goodin DG, Henebry GM. Seasonal NDVI trajectories in response to disturbance: toward a spectral-temporal mixing model for tallgrass prairie. 1996:215 -217. doi:10.1109/IGARSS.1996.516295.
Blair JM, Bohlen PJ, Freckman DW. Soil invertebrates as indicators of soil quality. In: Doran JW, Jones AJ Methods for Assessing Soil Quality. SSSA Special Publication. Methods for Assessing Soil Quality. SSSA Special Publication. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America Inc; 1996:283 -301.
Collins SL, Benning TL. Spatial and temporal patterns in functional diversity. In: Gaston K Biodiversity: A Biology Of Numbers and Difference. Biodiversity: A Biology Of Numbers and Difference. Blackwell Science London; 1996:253 -280.
Henebry GM, Knapp AK. Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture in tallgrass prairie using ERS-1 SAR image time series: first year results. 1996:166 -168. Available at: 10.1109/IGARSS.1996.516279.
Moen J, Collins SL. Trophic interactions and plant species richness along a productivity gradient. Oikos. 1996;76:603 -607. doi:10.2307/3546357.
Johnson SR. Use of coleopteran prey by Phidippus audax (Araneae, Salticidae ) in tallgrass prairie wetlands. The Journal of Arachnology. 1996;24:39 -42. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3705865.
Henebry GM. Advantages of principal components analysis for land cover segmentation from SAR image series. 1997:175 -178. Available at: http://earth.esa.int/symposia/papers/henebry3/index.html.
Zimmerman JL. Avian community responses to fire, grazing and drought in the tallgrass prairie. In: Knopf FL, Samson FB Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. New York: Springer Verlag; 1997:167 -180. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2703-6_7.
McMillan BR, Kaufman GA, Kaufman DW. A case of senescence for the white-footed mouse?. The Southwestern Naturalist. 1997;42:236 -237.
Hartnett DC, Steuter AA, Hickman KR. Comparative ecology of native and introduced ungulates. In: Knopf FL, Samson FB Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1997:72 -101. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2703-6_4.
Vinton MA, Burke IC. Contingent effects of plant species on soils along a regional moisture gradient in the Great Plains. Oecologia. 1997;110:393 -402. doi:10.1007/s004420050174.
Heckathorn SA, DeLucia EH, Zielinski RE. The contribution of drought-related decreases in foliar nitrogen concentration to decreases in photosynthetic capacity during and after drought in prairie grasses. Physiologia Plantarum. 1997;101:173 -182. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.1997.tb01834.x.
Wessman CA, Bateson CA, Benning TL. Detecting fire and grazing patterns in tallgrass prairie using spectral mixture analysis. Ecological Applications. 1997;7:493 -511. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(1997)007[0493:DFAGPI]2.0.CO;2.
Dodds WK. Distribution of runoff and rivers related to vegetative characteristics, latitude, and slope: A global perspective. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 1997;16:162 -168. doi:10.2307/1468248.
Kaufman GA, Kaufman DW. Ecology of small mammals in prairie landscapes. In: Knopf FL, Samson FB Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1997:207 -243. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2703-6_9.
Maragni LA. Ecophysiology and demography of Yucca glauca in the central Great Plains. 1997;MS Thesis:1 -76.
Damhoureyeh SA, Hartnett DC. Effects of bison and cattle on growth, reproduction, and abundances of five tallgrass prairie forbs. American Journal of Botany. 1997;84:1719 -1728. Available at: http://www.amjbot.org/content/84/12/1719.short.
Benning TL, Seastedt TR. Effects of fire, mowing and nitrogen additions on root characteristics in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Vegetation Science. 1997;8:541 -546. doi:10.2307/3237205.
Wilson GT, Hartnett DC. Effects of mycorrhizae on plant productivity and species abundances in tallgrass prairie microcosms. American Journal of Botany. 1997;84:478 -482. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21708601.
Fritz KM. The effects of natural disturbances on lotic fauna of a pristine tallgrass prairie stream. 1997;MS Thesis:1 -158.
Collins SL, Glenn SM. Effects of organismal and distance scaling on analysis of species distribution and abundance. Ecological Applications. 1997;7:543 -551. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(1997)007[0543:EOOADS]2.0.CO;2.
Norrmann GA, Quarin CL, Keeler KH. Evolutionary implications of meiotic chromosome behavior, reproductive biology, and hybridization in 6X and 9X cytotypes of Andropogon gerardii (Poaceae ). American Journal of Botany. 1997;84:201 -207. Available at: http://www.amjbot.org/content/84/2/201.short.
O'Leske DL, Robel RJ, Kemp KE. Fall point counts: Time of day affects numbers and species of birds counted. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1997;100:94 -100. doi:10.2307/3627996.
Blair JM. Fire, N availability and plant response in grasslands: A test of the transient maxima hypothesis. Ecology. 1997;78:2559 - 2368. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(1997)078[2359:FNAAPR]2.0.CO;2.
Hoagland BW, Collins SL. Gradient models, gradient analysis and hierarchical structure in plant communities. Oikos. 1997;78:23 -30. doi:10.2307/3545796.
Strauss EA, Dodds WK. Influence of protozoa and nutrient availability on nitrification rates in subsurface sediments. Microbial Ecology. 1997;34:155 -165. doi:10.1007/s002489900045.
Collins SL, Glenn SM. Intermediate disturbance and its relationship to within-and between-patch structure. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 1997;21:103 -110. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/24054530.
Dodds WK. Interspecific interactions: constructing a general, neutral model for interaction type. Oikos. 1997;78:377 -383. doi:10.2307/3546305.
Vinton MA, Collins SL. Landscape gradients and habitat structure in native grasslands of the central great plains. In: Knopf FL, Samson FB Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1997:3 -19. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2703-6_1.
McMillan BR, Kaufman GA, Matlack RS. Mammals of the Konza Prairie: new observations and an updated species list. The Prairie Naturalist. 1997;29:263 -271.
Nellis MD, Briggs JM. Modelling impact of bison on tallgrass prairie. Transactions Kansas Academy of Science. 1997;100:3 -9.
Miller RM, Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Mycorrhizal fungi affect root stele tissue in grasses. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1997;75:1778 -1784. doi:10.1139/b97-892.
Parker TH. Nest predation and its relationship to nest placement in tallgrass prairie shrub patches. 1997;MS Thesis:1 -25.
Toll DL, Shirley D, Kimes DS. NOAA AVHRR land surface albedo algorithm development. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 1997;18:3761 -3796. doi:10.1080/014311697216612.
Gray LJ. Organic matter dynamics in Kings Creek, Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 1997;16:50 -54. doi:10.2307/1468232.
Hamerlynck EP, McAllister CA, Knapp AK, Ham JM, Owensby CE. Photosynthetic gas exchange and water relations responses of three tallgrass prairie species to elevated carbon dioxide and moderate drought. International Journal of Plant Science. 1997;158:608 -616. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2474921.
Knapp AK, Fay PA. Plant strategies for coping with variable light regimes. In: Basra AS, Basra RK Mechanisms of Environmental Stress Resistance in Plants. Mechanisms of Environmental Stress Resistance in Plants. UK: Harwood Academic Press; 1997:191 -212. Available at: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=cVUvZePMNfMC&oi=fnd&pg=PA191&dq=%22Plant%2Bstrategies%2Bfor%2Bcoping%2Bwith%2Bvariable%2Blight%2Bregimes%22+Knapp&ots=4FA7O50id2&sig=Iyq7j1EZaVkuv5Vkhqg25qu6b5c#v=onepage&q=%22Plant%2Bstrategies%2Bfor%2Bcoping%2.
Hutchinson JMS. Radar backshatter soil-moisture relationships over tallgrass prairie. 1997;MS Thesis:1 -54.
McAllister CA. The relationship between leaf-level photosynthetic rates and success in a high productivity grassland. 1997;MS Thesis:1 -49.
Song J, Willmott CJ, Hanson B. Simulating the surface energy budget over the Konza Prairie with a mesoscale model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 1997;87:105 -118. doi:10.1016/S0168-1923(97)00023-3.
Turner CL, Blair JM, Schartz RJ, Neel JC. Soil N and plant responses to fire, topography and supplemental N in tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 1997;78:1832 -1843. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(1997)078[1832:SNAPRT]2.0.CO;2.
Briggs JM, Rieck DR, Turner CL, Henebry GM, Goodin DG, Nellis MD. Spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation in the Flint Hills. Transactions Kansas Academy of Science. 1997;100:10 -20. doi:10.2307/3628435.
Mahmoudjafari M, Kluitenberg GJ, Havlin JL, Sisson JB, Schwab AP. Spatial variability of nitrogen mineralization at the field scale. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1997;61:1214 -1221. doi:10.2136/sssaj1997.03615995006100040029x.
Bartha S, Czaran T, Scheuring I. Spatiotemporal scales of non-equilibrium community dynamics: a methodological challenge. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 1997;21:199 -206. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/24054516.
Goodin DG, Henebry GM. A technique for monitoring ecological disturbance in tallgrass prairie using seasonal NDVI trajectories and a discriminant function mixture model. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 1997;61:270 -278. doi:10.1016/S0034-4257(97)00043-6.
Macpherson GL, Jackson S. Trace elements in recent algal carbonate at the Konza LTER site, northeastern Kansas, determination by laser ablation microprobe (LAM) ICPMS. Geological Society of America. 1997;29:1 -175.
Hu B, Lucht W, Li X, Strahler AH. Validation of kernel-driven semiempirical models for the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function of land surfaces. Remote Sensing of Environment. 1997;62:201 -214. doi:10.1016/S0034-4257(97)00082-5.
Owensby CE, Ham JM, Knapp AK, Bremer D, Auen LM. Water vapor fluxes and their impact under elevated CO2 in a C4 tallgrass prairie. Global Change Biology. 1997;3:189 -195. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.1997.00084.x.
