Konza LTER Publications

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Bixler SH, Kaufman DW. Prairie voles occur at low density in ungrazed tallgrass prairie in eastern Kansas. The Prairie Naturalist. 1995;27:33 -40.
Felton AJ, Slette IJ, Smith MD, Knapp AK. Precipitation amount and event size interact to reduce ecosystem functioning during dry years in a mesic grassland. Global Change Biology. 2020;26(2):658-668. doi:10.1111/gcb.14789.
Wang J, Tian D, Knapp AK, et al. Precipitation manipulation and terrestrial carbon cycling: The roles of treatment magnitude, experimental duration and local climate. Michaletz S. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2021;30(9):1909 - 1921. doi:10.1111/geb.13356.
Dea HI, Urban A, Kazarina A, et al. Precipitation, not land use, primarily determines the composition of both plant and phyllosphere fungal communities. Frontiers in Fungal Biology. 2022;3:805225. doi:10.3389/ffunb.2022.805225.
Felton AJ, Knapp AK, Smith MD. Precipitation–productivity relationships and the duration of precipitation anomalies: An underappreciated dimension of climate change. Global Change Biology. 2021;27(6):1127 - 1140. doi:10.1111/gcb.15480.
Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Buckley Y, et al. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?. Global Change Biology. 2013;19(12):3677 - 3687. doi:10.1111/gcb.12370.
Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Buckley Y, et al. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?. Global Change Biology. 2013;19(12):3677 - 3687. doi:10.1111/gcb.12370.
Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Buckley Y, et al. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?. Global Change Biology. 2013;19(12):3677 - 3687. doi:10.1111/gcb.12370.
Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Buckley Y, et al. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?. Global Change Biology. 2013;19(12):3677 - 3687. doi:10.1111/gcb.12370.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW. Prevalence of botfly (Cuterebra sp.) parasites in populations of small mammals in eastern Kansas. The American Midland Naturalist. 1990;124:22 -30. doi:10.2307/2426076.
Kaufman GA, Kaufman DW, McMillan BR, Brillhart DE. Prevalence of hantavirus antibodies in natural populations of deer mice in north central Kansas. Prairie Naturalist. 1994;26:209 -216. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258031384_Prevalence_of_Hantavirus_antibodies_in_natural_populations_of_deer_mice_in_north-central_Kansas.
Kaufman GA, Kaufman DW, McMillan BR, Brillhart DE. Prevalence of hantavirus antibodies in natural populations of deer mice in north central Kansas. Prairie Naturalist. 1994;26:209 -216. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258031384_Prevalence_of_Hantavirus_antibodies_in_natural_populations_of_deer_mice_in_north-central_Kansas.
Fahey TJ, Knapp AK. Primary production: Guiding principles and standards for measurement. In: Fahey TJ, Knapp AK Principles and Standards for Measuring Net Primary Production. Principles and Standards for Measuring Net Primary Production. Oxford University Press, NY; 2007:3 -11. Available at: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20073139615.html?freeview=true.
Fahey TJ, Knapp AK. Primary production: Guiding principles and standards for measurement. In: Fahey TJ, Knapp AK Principles and Standards for Measuring Net Primary Production. Principles and Standards for Measuring Net Primary Production. Oxford University Press, NY; 2007:3 -11. Available at: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20073139615.html?freeview=true.
Fahey TJ, Knapp AK. Principles and Standards for Measuring Net Primary Production. (Fahey TJ, Knapp AK). Oxford University Press, NY; 2007:268 -.
Fahey TJ, Knapp AK. Principles and Standards for Measuring Net Primary Production. (Fahey TJ, Knapp AK). Oxford University Press, NY; 2007:268 -.
Knapp AK, Hulbert LC. Production, density and height of flower stalks of three grasses in annually burned and unburned eastern Kansas tallgrass prairie: a four year record. The Southwestern Naturalist. 1986;31:235 -241. doi:10.2307/3670564.
Adler P, Seabloom EW, Borer ET, et al. Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness. Science. 2011;333:1750 -1753. doi:10.1126/science.1204498.
Adler P, Seabloom EW, Borer ET, et al. Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness. Science. 2011;333:1750 -1753. doi:10.1126/science.1204498.
Adler P, Seabloom EW, Borer ET, et al. Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness. Science. 2011;333:1750 -1753. doi:10.1126/science.1204498.
Adler P, Seabloom EW, Borer ET, et al. Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness. Science. 2011;333:1750 -1753. doi:10.1126/science.1204498.
Hufkens K, Keenan TF, Flanagan LB, et al. Productivity of North American grasslands is increased under future climate scenarios despite rising aridity. Nature Climate Change. 2016;6:710-714. doi:10.1038/nclimate2942.
Fay P, Carlisle JD, Knapp AK, Blair JM, Collins SL. Productivity responses to altered rainfall patterns in a C4-dominated grassland. Oecologia. 2003;137:245 -251. doi:10.1007/s00442-003-1331-3.
Knapp AK, Avolio ML, Beier C, et al. Pushing precipitation to the extremes in distributed experiments: recommendations for simulating wet and dry years. Global Change Biology. 2017;23(5):1774-1782. doi:10.1111/gcb.13504.
Fay P, Knapp AK, Blair JM, Carlisle JD, Danner BT, McCarron JK. Rainfall timing, soil moisture dynamics, and plant responses in a mesic tallgrass prairie ecosystem. In: Weltzin JF, McPherson GR Precipitation Regimes and Terrestrial Ecosystems. A North American Perspective. Precipitation Regimes and Terrestrial Ecosystems. A North American Perspective. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press; 2003:147 -163.
Knapp AK, Fay PA, Blair JM, et al. Rainfall variability, carbon cycling and plant species diversity in a mesic grassland. Science. 2002;298:2202 -2205. doi:10.1126/science.1076347.
Koerner SE, Collins SL, Blair JM, Knapp AK, Smith MD. Rainfall variability has minimal effects on grassland recovery from repeated grazing. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014;25:36 -44. doi:10.1111/jvs.12065.
Koerner SE, Collins SL, Blair JM, Knapp AK, Smith MD. Rainfall variability has minimal effects on grassland recovery from repeated grazing. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014;25:36 -44. doi:10.1111/jvs.12065.
Paschalis A, Fatichi S, Zscheischler J, et al. Rainfall‐manipulation experiments as simulated by terrestrial biosphere models: where do we stand?. Global Change Biology. 2020;26:3336–3355. doi:10.1111/gcb.15024.
Paschalis A, Fatichi S, Zscheischler J, et al. Rainfall‐manipulation experiments as simulated by terrestrial biosphere models: where do we stand?. Global Change Biology. 2020;26:3336–3355. doi:10.1111/gcb.15024.
Breshears DD, Knapp AK, Law DJ, Smith MD, Twidwell D, Wonkka CL. Rangeland responses to predicted increases in drought extremity. Rangelands . 2016;38:191-196. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rala.2016.06.009.
McMillan BR, Kaufman DW, Kaufman GA. Rare species of small mammals in northeastern Kansas tallgrass prairie. Springer JT. 1999:120 -126. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC16/reference/econatres.napc16.bmcmillan.pdf.
McMillan BR, Kaufman DW, Kaufman GA. Rare species of small mammals in northeastern Kansas tallgrass prairie. Springer JT. 1999:120 -126. Available at: http://images.library.wisc.edu/EcoNatRes/EFacs/NAPC/NAPC16/reference/econatres.napc16.bmcmillan.pdf.
Knapp AK, Carroll CJW, Griffin-Nolan RJ, et al. A reality check for climate change experiments: Do they reflect the real world?. Ecology. 2018;99(10):2145-2151. doi:10.1002/ecy.2474.
Knapp AK, Ciais P, Smith MD. Reconciling inconsistencies in precipitation– productivity relationships: implications for climate change. New Phytologist. 2017;214(1):41-47. doi:10.1111/nph.14381.
Burke IC, Kittel TGF, Lauenroth WK, Snook P, Yonker CM, Parton WJ. Regional analysis of the central Great Plains. BioScience. 1991;41:685 -692. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/1311763.
Hayden BP. Regional climate and the distribution of tallgrass prairie. In: Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Hartnett DC, Collins SL Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998:19 -34. Available at: http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/GDPE/Distinguished_Ecologists/2005/Hayden/grassland%20dynamics%20ch2.pdf.
McCulley RL, Burke IC, Nelson JA, Lauenroth WK, Knapp AK, Kelly EF. Regional patterns in carbon cycling across the Great Plains of North America. Ecosystems. 2005;8:106 -121. doi:10.1007/s10021-004-0117-8.
McCulley RL, Burke IC, Nelson JA, Lauenroth WK, Knapp AK, Kelly EF. Regional patterns in carbon cycling across the Great Plains of North America. Ecosystems. 2005;8:106 -121. doi:10.1007/s10021-004-0117-8.
Ratajczak Z, Collins SL, Blair JM, et al. Reintroducing bison results in long-running and resilient increases in grassland diversity. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 2022;119(36):e2210433119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2210433119.
Turner DP, Cohen WB, Kennedy RE, Fassnacht KS, Briggs JM. Relationships between leaf area index and Landsat TM spectral vegetation indices across three temperate zone sites. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 1999;70:52 -68. doi:10.1016/S0034-4257(99)00057-7.
Kitt DG, Hetrick BAD, Wilson GT. Relationships of soil fertility to suppression of the growth response of mycorrhizal big bluestem in nonsterile soil. New Phytologist. 1988;109:473 -482. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1988.tb03723.x.
Fay PA, Blair JM, Smith MD, Nippert JB, Carlisle JD, Knapp AK. Relative effects of precipitation variability and warming on tallgrass prairie ecosystem function. Biogeosciences. 2011;8:3053 -3068. doi:10.5194/bg-8-3053-2011.
Feldman AF, Gianotti DJShort, Dong J, et al. Remotely sensed soil moisture can capture dynamics relevant to plant water uptake. Water Resources Research. 2023;59(2):e2022WR033814. doi:10.1029/2022WR033814.
Slette IJ, Hoover DL, Smith MD, Knapp AK. Repeated extreme droughts decrease root production, but not the potential for post‐drought recovery of root production, in a mesic grassland. Oikos. 2023;1:e08899. doi:10.1111/oik.08899.
Hoover DL, Knapp AK, Smith MD. Resistance and resilience of a grassland ecosystem to climate extremes. Ecology. 2014;95:2646 -2656. doi:10.1890/13-2186.1.
Knapp AK, Chen A, Griffin-Nolan RJ, et al. Resolving the Dust Bowl paradox of grassland responses to extreme drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020;117(36):22249-22255. doi:10.1073/pnas.1922030117.
