Konza LTER Publications

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Journal Article
Knapp AK, Carroll CJW, Griffin-Nolan RJ, et al. A reality check for climate change experiments: Do they reflect the real world?. Ecology. 2018;99(10):2145-2151. doi:10.1002/ecy.2474.
Johnson LC, Galliart MB, Alsdurf JD, et al. Reciprocal transplant gardens as gold standard to detect local adaptation in grassland species: New opportunities moving into the 21st century. Journal of Ecology. 2022;110(5):1054-1071. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13695.
Johnson LC, Galliart MB, Alsdurf JD, et al. Reciprocal transplant gardens as gold standard to detect local adaptation in grassland species: New opportunities moving into the 21st century. Journal of Ecology. 2022;110(5):1054-1071. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13695.
Scott DA, Baer SG, Blair JM. Recovery and relative influence of root, microbial, and structural properties of soil on physically sequestered carbon stocks in restored grassland. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2017;81(1):50-60. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.05.0158.
Scott DA, Baer SG, Blair JM. Recovery and relative influence of root, microbial, and structural properties of soil on physically sequestered carbon stocks in restored grassland. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2017;81(1):50-60. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.05.0158.
Carter DL, Blair JM. Recovery of native plant community characteristics on a chronosequence of restored prairies seeded into pastures in West-Central Iowa. Restoration Ecology. 2012;20:170 -179. doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00760.x.
Burke IC, Kittel TGF, Lauenroth WK, Snook P, Yonker CM, Parton WJ. Regional analysis of the central Great Plains. BioScience. 1991;41:685 -692. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/1311763.
Mora MA, Brattin B, Baxter C, Rivers JW. Regional and interspecific variation in Sr, Ca, and Sr/Ca ratios in avian eggshells from the USA. Ecotoxicology. 2011;20:1467 -1475. doi:10.1007/s10646-011-0703-4.
Mora MA, Brattin B, Baxter C, Rivers JW. Regional and interspecific variation in Sr, Ca, and Sr/Ca ratios in avian eggshells from the USA. Ecotoxicology. 2011;20:1467 -1475. doi:10.1007/s10646-011-0703-4.
Paruelo JM, Lauenroth WK, Epstein HE, Burke IC, Aguiar MR, Sala OE. Regional climatic similarities in the temperate zones of North and South America. Journal of Biogeography. 1995;22:915 -925. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2845992.
Petrie MD, Peters DPC, Yao J, et al. Regional grassland productivity responses to precipitation during multiyear above- and below-average rainfall periods. Global Change Biology. 2018;24(5):1935 - 1951. doi:10.1111/gcb.2018.24.issue-510.1111/gcb.14024.
Petrie MD, Peters DPC, Yao J, et al. Regional grassland productivity responses to precipitation during multiyear above- and below-average rainfall periods. Global Change Biology. 2018;24(5):1935 - 1951. doi:10.1111/gcb.2018.24.issue-510.1111/gcb.14024.
McCulley RL, Burke IC, Nelson JA, Lauenroth WK, Knapp AK, Kelly EF. Regional patterns in carbon cycling across the Great Plains of North America. Ecosystems. 2005;8:106 -121. doi:10.1007/s10021-004-0117-8.
Ratajczak Z, Collins SL, Blair JM, et al. Reintroducing bison results in long-running and resilient increases in grassland diversity. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 2022;119(36):e2210433119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2210433119.
Bentivenga SP, Hetrick BAD. Relationship between mycorrhizal activity, burning, and plant productivity in tallgrass prairie. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1991;69:2597 -2619. doi:10.1139/b91-323.
Porazinska DL, Bardgett RD, Blaauw MB, et al. Relationships at the aboveground-belowground interface: Plants, soil biota, and soil processes. Ecological Monographs. 2003;73:377 -395. doi:10.1890/0012-9615(2003)073[0377:RATAIP]2.0.CO;2.
Porazinska DL, Bardgett RD, Blaauw MB, et al. Relationships at the aboveground-belowground interface: Plants, soil biota, and soil processes. Ecological Monographs. 2003;73:377 -395. doi:10.1890/0012-9615(2003)073[0377:RATAIP]2.0.CO;2.
Turner DP, Cohen WB, Kennedy RE, Fassnacht KS, Briggs JM. Relationships between leaf area index and Landsat TM spectral vegetation indices across three temperate zone sites. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 1999;70:52 -68. doi:10.1016/S0034-4257(99)00057-7.
Fay PA, Blair JM, Smith MD, Nippert JB, Carlisle JD, Knapp AK. Relative effects of precipitation variability and warming on tallgrass prairie ecosystem function. Biogeosciences. 2011;8:3053 -3068. doi:10.5194/bg-8-3053-2011.
Gido KB, Hedden SC, Bruckerhoff LA, et al. Removing a perched culvert facilitates dispersal of fishes in an intermittent prairie stream but not recovery from drought. Freshwater Science. In Press.
Pellegrini AFA, Hobbie SE, Reich PB, et al. Repeated fire shifts carbon and nitrogen cycling by changing plant inputs and soil decomposition across ecosystems. Ecological Monographs. 2020;90(4):e01409. doi:10.1002/ecm.1409.
Knapp AK, Chen A, Griffin-Nolan RJ, et al. Resolving the Dust Bowl paradox of grassland responses to extreme drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020;117(36):22249-22255. doi:10.1073/pnas.1922030117.
Johnson NC, Wilson GT, Bowker M, Wilson JA, Miller RM. Resource limitation is a driver of local adaptation in mycorrhizal symbioses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010;107:2093 -2098. doi:10.1073/pnas.0906710107.
O'Lear HE, Blair JM. Responses of soil microarthropods to changes in soil water availability in tallgrass prairie. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1999;29:207 -217. doi:10.1007/s003740050546.
Bremer D, Ham JM, Owensby CE, Knapp AK. Responses of soil respiration to clipping and grazing in a tallgrass prairie. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1998;27:1539 -1548. doi:10.2134/jeq1998.00472425002700060034x.
Kirkman K, Collins SL, Smith MD, et al. Responses to fire differ between South African and North American grassland communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014;25:793 -804. doi:10.1111/jvs.12130.
Kirkman K, Collins SL, Smith MD, et al. Responses to fire differ between South African and North American grassland communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014;25:793 -804. doi:10.1111/jvs.12130.
Klopf RP, Baer SG, Bach EM, Six J. Restoration and management for plant diversity enhances the rate of belowground ecosystem recovery. Ecological Applications. 2017;27(2):355 - 362. doi:10.1002/eap.1503.
Klopf RP, Baer SG, Bach EM, Six J. Restoration and management for plant diversity enhances the rate of belowground ecosystem recovery. Ecological Applications. 2017;27(2):355 - 362. doi:10.1002/eap.1503.
Baer SG, Gibson DJ, Johnson LC. Restoring grassland in the context of climate change. Gibson DJ, Newman JA. Grasslands and Climate Change. 2019:310 -322. doi:10.1017/9781108163941.020.
Freeman NE, Gustafson M, Hefley TJ, Boyle WA. Riding out the storm: depleted fat stores and elevated hematocrit in a small bodied endotherm exposed to severe weather. Cooke S. Conservation Physiology. 2023;11(1). doi:10.1093/conphys/coad011.
Comte L, Carvajal J, Tedesco PA, et al. RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time‐series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Bahn V. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2021;30(1):38 - 50. doi:10.1111/geb.13210.
Comte L, Carvajal J, Tedesco PA, et al. RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time‐series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Bahn V. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2021;30(1):38 - 50. doi:10.1111/geb.13210.
Comte L, Carvajal J, Tedesco PA, et al. RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time‐series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Bahn V. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2021;30(1):38 - 50. doi:10.1111/geb.13210.
Bouska WW, Paukert CP. Road crossing designs and their impact on fish assemblages of Great Plains streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2010;139:214 -222. doi:10.1577/T09-040.1.
Petrie MD, Brunsell N. The role of precipitation variability on the ecohydrology of grasslands. Ecohydrology. 2012;5:337 -345. doi:10.1002/eco.224.
Benson E, Hartnett DC. The role of seed and vegetative reproduction in plant recruitment and demography in tallgrass prairie. Plant Ecology. 2006;187:163 -177. doi:10.1007/s11258-005-0975-y.
Souza LFT, Hirmas DR, Sullivan PL, et al. Root distributions, precipitation, and soil structure converge to govern soil organic carbon depth distributions. Geoderma. 2023;437:116569. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116569.
Klopf RP, Baer SG. Root dynamics of cultivar and non‐cultivar population sources of two dominant grasses during initial establishment of tallgrass prairie. Restoration Ecology. 2011;19:112 -117. doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2009.00539.x.
O'Keefe K, Bachle S, Keen R, E. Tooley G, Nippert JB. Root traits reveal safety and efficiency differences in grasses and shrubs exposed to different fire regimes. Functional Ecology. 2022;36(2):368 - 379. doi:10.1111/fec.v36.210.1111/1365-2435.13972.
Welti EAR, Kuczynski L, Marske KA, Sanders NJ, Beurs KM, Kaspari M. Salty, mild, and low plant biomass grasslands increase top‐heaviness of invertebrate trophic pyramids. Madin E. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2020;2958(9):1474 - 1485. doi:10.1111/geb.13119.
Brown SP, Veach AM, Rigdon-Huss AR, et al. Scraping the bottom of the barrel: are rare high throughput sequences artifacts?. Fungal Ecology. 2015;13:221 -225. doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2014.08.006.
Bentivenga SP, Hetrick BAD. Seasonal and temperature effects on mycorrhizal activity and dependence of cool- and warm-season tallgrass prairie grasses. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1992;70:1596 -1602. doi:10.1139/b92-201.
Briggs JM, Nellis MD. Seasonal variation of heterogeneity in tallgrass prairie: a quantitative measure using remote sensing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 1991;57:407 -411.
Carter DL, Blair JM. Seed source affects establishment and survival for three grassland species sown into reciprocal common gardens. Ecosphere. 2012;3:102 -. doi:10.1890/ES12-00223.1.
Carter DL, Blair JM. Seed source has variable effects on species, communities, and ecosystem properties in grassland restorations. Ecosphere. 2013;4:93 -. doi:10.1890/ES13-00090.1.
Reed AW, Kaufman GA, Boyer JE, Kaufman DW. Seed use by vertebrates and invertebrates in the tallgrass prairie. The Prairie Naturalist. 2001;33:153 -161. Available at: https://www.sdstate.edu/nrm/organizations/gpnss/tpn/upload/33-3_Reed_et_al.pdf.
Petrie MD, Brunsell N, Vargas R, et al. The sensitivity of carbon exchanges in Great Plains grasslands to precipitation variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2016;121:280-294. doi:10.1002/2015JG003205.
Smith MD, Knapp AK, Collins SL, et al. Shared drivers but divergent ecological responses: Insights from long-term experiments in mesic savanna grasslands. BioScience. 2016;66(8):666 - 682. doi:10.1093/biosci/biw077.
Smith MD, Knapp AK, Collins SL, et al. Shared drivers but divergent ecological responses: Insights from long-term experiments in mesic savanna grasslands. BioScience. 2016;66(8):666 - 682. doi:10.1093/biosci/biw077.
