Konza LTER Publications

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Baker PK. Ecosystem consequences of invasive exotic species in grasslands. 2007;MS Thesis:1 -55. Available at: https://colostate-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=01COLSU_ALMA21187845250003361&context=L&vid=01COLSU&lang=en_US&search_scope=Everything&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=default_tab&query=any,contains,Ecosystem%20conseque.
Heisler JL. An ecosystem in transition: Patterns and mechanisms of a shift in growth form dominance in mesic grasslands of central North America. 2003;MS Thesis:1 -80.
Winders K. Ecosystem Processes of Prairie Streams and the Impact of Anthropogenic Alteration on Stream Ecological Integrity. 2010;MS Thesis. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/6849.
Nieland M. Ecosystem recovery from chronic fertilization: Biotic mechanisms underpinning soil nitrogen legacies in burned and unburned grasslands. Department of Biology. 2023;PhD Dissertation. Available at: https://krex.k-state.edu/handle/2097/43281.
Hewett EL. The effect of brown-headed cowbird removal on thedemography of the dickcissel (Spiza americana). 2005;BS Thesis.
Bremer D. Effect of burning and grazing on carbon and energy fluxes in a tallgrass prairie. 1998;PhD Dissertation:1 -129.
Swemmer AM. The effect of intra-seasonal variation in precipitation on the productivity of grasses and grasslands. 2007;PhD Dissertation:1 -173. Available at: https://search.proquest.com/docview/304859815/?pq-origsite=primo.
Wanithunga I. Effect of land use and land use management on methane oxidation. Department of Agronomy. 2020;MS Thesis. Available at: https://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/40327.
Muhtasib HU. Effect of silicon nutrition on grass growth rate, grass structure, grass fertility and on the food choice of the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster. 1990;PhD Dissertation:1 -148.
Brown M. The effect of simulated herbivory on Andropogon gerardii and Panicum virgatum as influenced by time of defoliation, fire, and plant competition. 1992;MS Thesis:1 -40.
Nie D. The effect of slope on the surface energy balance in a tallgrass prairie. 1990;PhD Dissertation:1 -166.
O'Lear HA. Effects of altered soil water on liter decomposition and microarthropod composition. 1996;MS Thesis:1 -56.
Damhoureyeh SA. Effects of bison and cattle grazing on growth, biomass allocation and reproduction of five tallgrass prairie forbs. 1996;MS Thesis:1 -45.
Gerlanc NM. Effects of breeding pool permanence on growth and development of western chorus frogs, Pseudacris triseriata , in tallgrass prairie. 1999;MS Thesis:1 -102.
Duell AB. Effects of burning on infiltration, overland flow, and sediment loss on tallgrass prairie. 1990;MS Thesis:1 -82.
James SW. Effects of burning on populations of three earthworm species in tallgrass prairie. 1983;PhD Dissertation:1 -188.
Beutler DK. The effects of burning tallgrass prairie on the breeding bird community. 1993;MS Thesis:1 -60.
Auen LM. Effects of dormant season herbage removal on Flint Hills rangeland. II. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis of total nonstructural carbohydrates in big bluestem rhizomes. 1987;MS Thesis:1 -52. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/16786.
Eckhoff KD. The effects of drought on plant and soil microbial communities and functioning during tallgrass prairie restoration. 2022;PhD Dissertation. Available at: https://www.proquest.com/openview/460feed5a57d701510c1f008d74e87bf/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y.
van Veen GF. Effects of fire and grazing on small-scale spatial heterogeneity in a tallgrass prairie. 2004;MS Thesis:1 -31. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/43041350_Effects_of_fire_and_grazing_on_smallscale_spatial_heterogeneity_in_a_tallgrass_prairie.
Eisele KA. Effects of fire and N to P availability ratio on nitrogen fixation in the tallgrass prairie. 1985;MS Thesis:1 -82.
Reed H. Effects of fire and plant invasion on aspects of aboveground and belowground interactions in an eastern tallgrass prairie. 2005;PhD Dissertation:1 -172. Available at: https://instaar.colorado.edu/research/publications/theses-dissertations/effects-of-fire-and-plant-invasion-on-aspects-of-aboveground-and-belowgroun/.
Elder B. The effects of fire on life history traits of tallgrass prairie forbs. 2001;PhD Dissertation.
Benson E. Effects of fire on tallgrass prairie plant population dynamics. 2001;MS Thesis:1 -59.
N'Guessan M. Effects of grazing on growth and morphology of rhizomatous and caespitose grasses in tallgrass prairie. 2007;MS Thesis:1-65. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/398 .
Turner CL. Effects of grazing on primary production and surface climatological variables in tallgrass prairie. 1990;PhD Dissertation:1 -105.
Knight GL. Effects of introduced largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) on the behavior and persistence of native prey: implications for conservation of the endangered Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka). 2004;MS Thesis:1 -57.
Hickman KR. Effects of large ungulate herbivory on tallgrass prairie plant population and community structure. 1996;PhD Dissertation:1 -105.
Kitchen DJ. Effects of long-term fire and mowing on root dynamics in tallgrass prairie. 2005;PhD Dissertation:1 -159.
Fritz KM. The effects of natural disturbances on lotic fauna of a pristine tallgrass prairie stream. 1997;MS Thesis:1 -158.
Pierzynski J. The effects of P fertilizer addition on P transformations on high-P fixing and grassland soils. 2016;PhD Dissertation. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/34586.
Connell RK. Effects of plant-soil interactions on grassland carbon dynamics in a changing world. Department of Biology. 2020;PhD Dissertation. Available at: https://search.proquest.com/docview/2427237261?pq-origsite=summon.
Powell AFLA. Effects of prescribed burning and grazingon breeding bird abundances in tallgrass prairie. 2004;MS Thesis:1 -34. Available at: https://bioone.org/journals/The-Auk/volume-123/issue-1/0004-8038(2006)123[0183:EOPBAB]2.0.CO;2/EFFECTS-OF-PRESCRIBED-BURNS-AND-BISON-BOS-BISON-GRAZING-ON/10.1642/0004-8038(2006)123[0183:EOPBAB]2.0.CO;2.full.
Riley AJ. Effects of riparian woody vegetation encroachment on prairie stream structure and function with emphasis on whole-stream metabolism. 2011;PhD Dissertation. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/8545.
Hajny KM. Effects of season of fire and fire type on the demography and abundance of clonal shrubs in tallgrass prairie. 2006;MS Thesis.
Lett MS. Effects of shrub encroachment and removal on plant community composition and ecosystem structure and function in a mesic grassland. 2003;MS Thesis:1 -109.
Smith SC. Effects of simulated foliage and root herbivory on growth reproduction, and insect damage of three annual plant species. 1987;MS Thesis:1 -87. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/22345.
Cully AC. The Effects of size and fragmentation on tallgrass prairie plant species diversity. 2000;PhD Dissertation:1 -166.
Rogers WE. The effects of soil disturbances on tallgrass prairie. 1998;PhD Dissertation:1 -220.
Morgan GW. Effects of spring burning and fungicide application on growth of warm season grasses and their pathogens in a native tallgrass prairie, greenhouse, and monoculture. 2003;MS Thesis:1 -56.
Steinaurer EM. Effects of urine deposition on small-scale patch structure and vegetative patterns in prairie vegetation. 1994;PhD Dissertation:1 -107.
Duell EB. Elevated temperatures and drought favor invasive grasses over native species. 2015;MS Thesis. Available at: https://shareok.org/handle/11244/45161.
Shuman TW. Energetic responses of avain granivores to winter in northeast Kansas. 1984;MS Thesis:1 -129. Available at: http://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/27351.
Manning G. Environmental and biotic processes influencing floristic composition, quality, integrity, and function in tallgrass prairie assemblages. 2018;PhD Dissertation. Available at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2597&context=dissertations.
Zaiger K. Environmental extremes drive plant and soil community dynamics of native and disturbed grasslands. 2016;MS Thesis. Available at: https://shareok.org/handle/11244/49188.
Scott D. Environmental heterogeneity effects on diversity and nitrous oxide emissions from soil in restored prairie. Department of Plant Biology. 2019;PhD Dissertation. Available at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/dissertations/1683/.
An N. Estimating annual net primary productivity of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem of the Central Great Plains using AVHRR NDVI. 2009;MS Thesis. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/1808/5393.
Hutchinson JMS. Estimating tallgrass prairie soil moisture using active satellite microwave imagery and optical sensor inputs. 2000;PhD Dissertation:1 -246.
Zhu C. Evaluation of numerical integration methods for kernel averaged predictors. Department of Statistics. 2019;MS Thesis. Available at: https://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/2097/40024/CongxingZhu2019.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y.
Rustiati EL. Experimental analyses of the effects of prairie ash and sodium on food choices by prairie rodents. 1993;MS Thesis:1 -43.
