Konza LTER Publications

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Tate CM, Jones CG. Improving use of existing data. In: Cole JJ, Findlay SEG, Lovett GM Comparative Analyses of Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms and Theories. Comparative Analyses of Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms and Theories. SpringerVerlag; 1991:348 -350.
McArthur JV, Gurtz ME, Tate CM, Gilliam FS. The interaction of biological and hydrologic phenomena that mediate the quality of water draining native prairie on the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area. Perspectives on Nonpoint Source Pollution. 1985:478 -482.
Dodds WK, Blair JM, Henebry GM, Koelliker JK, Ramundo RA, Tate CM. Nitrogen transport from tallgrass prairie watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1996;25:973 -981. doi:10.2134/jeq1996.00472425002500050007x.
Tate CM. Patterns and controls of nitrogen in tallgrass prairie streams. Ecology. 1990;71:2007 -2018. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/1937609.