Konza LTER Publications

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Williams MA, Rice CW, Owensby CE. Carbon dynamics and microbial activity in tallgrass prairie exposed to elevated CO2 for 8 years. Plant and Soil. 2000;227:127 -137. doi:10.1023/A:1026590001307.
Williams EJ, Boyle WA. Causes and consequences of avian within-season dispersal decisions in a dynamic grassland environment. Animal Behaviour. 2019;155:77 - 87. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.06.009.
Williamson MM. Controls on bud activation and tiller initiation in tallgrass prairie: The effect of light and nitrogen. 2010;MS Thesis:1 -52. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/11244/9577.
Williamson M, Wilson GT, Hartnett DC. Controls on bud activation and tiller initiation in C3 and C4 tallgrass prairie grasses: the role of light and nitrogen. Botany. 2012;90:1221 -1228. doi:10.1139/b2012-091.
Wilson KC, Dodds WK. Centimeter-scale stream substratum heterogeneity and metabolic rates. Hydrobiologia. 2009;623:53 -62. doi:10.1007/s10750-008-9647-y.
Wodika BR, Baer SG, Klopf RP. Colonization and recovery of invertebrate ecosystem engineers during prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology. 2014;22:456 -464. doi:10.1111/rec.12084.
Woods TM. A comparison of the reproductive systems of the invasive Lespedeza cuneata (Dum.-Cours.) G. Don (Fabaceae) with three native congeners in the Flint Hills region of the tallgrass prairie. 2006;MS Thesis:1 -95.
