Konza LTER Publications

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Chang CC, Smith MD. Direct and indirect relationships between genetic diversity of a dominant grass, community diversity and above-ground productivity in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014;25:470 -480. doi:10.1111/jvs.12108.
Chang CC, Smith MD. Resource availability modulates above and belowground competitive interactions between genotypes of a dominant C4 grass. Functional Ecology. 2014;28:1041 -1051. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12227.
Chase ID, Rohwer S. Two methods for quantifying the development of dominance hierarchies in large groups with applications to Harris' sparrows. Animal Behavior. 1987;35:1113 -1118. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(87)80168-9.
Chaves FA, Smith MD. Resources do not limit compensatory response of a tallgrass prairie plant community to the loss of a dominant species. Journal of Ecology. 2021;109(10):3617-3633. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13741.
Cheatham MR, Rouse MN, Esker PD, et al. Beyond yield: plant disease in the context of ecosystem services. Phytopathology. 2009;99:1228 -1236. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-99-11-1228.
Chen A, Mao J, Ricciuto D, et al. Seasonal changes in GPP/SIF ratios and their climatic determinants across the Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology. 2021;27(20):5186 - 5197. doi:10.1111/gcb.15775.
Chen Q, Wang S, Seabloom EW, et al. Nutrients and herbivores impact grassland stability across spatial scales through different pathways. 28. 2022;8:2678-2688. doi:10.1111/gcb.16086.
Chen M, Parton WJ, Hartman MD, et al. Assessing precipitation, evapotranspiration, and NDVI as controls of U.S. Great Plains plant production. Ecosphere. 2019;10(10):e02889. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2889.
Chen DX, Coughenour MB, Knapp AK, Owensby CE. Mathematical simulation of C4 grass photosynthesis in ambient and elevated C02. Ecological Modelling. 1994;73:63 -80. doi:10.1016/0304-3800(94)90098-1.
Chowdhury TRoy, Lee J-Y, Bottos EM, et al. Metaphenomic response of a native prairie soil microbiome to moisture perturbations. Hallam SJ. mSystems. 2019;4:e00061-19. doi:10.1128/mSystems.00061-19.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW. Effects of plant litter on foraging and nesting behavior of prairie rodents. Journal of Mammalogy. 1991;72:502 -512. doi:10.2307/1382133 .
Clark JS, Carpenter SR, Barber M, et al. Ecological forecasts: an emerging imperative. Science. 2001;293:657 -660. doi:10.1126/science.293.5530.657.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW, Kaufman GA, Finck EJ, Hand SS. Long-distance movements by Reithrodontomys megalotis in tallgrass prairie. The American Midland Naturalist. 1988;120:276 -281. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2425999.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW, Finck EJ, Kaufman GA. Use of tallgrass prairie by Peromyscus leucopus. Journal of Mammalogy. 1987;68:158 -160. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/1381065.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW, Finck EJ, Kaufman GA. Small mammals in tallgrass prairie: patterns associated with grazing and burning. The Prairie Naturalist. 1989;21:177 -184.
Clark CM, Cleland EE, Collins SL, et al. Environmental and plant community determinants ofspecies loss following nitrogen enrichment. Ecology Letters. 2007;10:596 -607. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2007.01053.x.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW. Prevalence of botfly (Cuterebra sp.) parasites in populations of small mammals in eastern Kansas. The American Midland Naturalist. 1990;124:22 -30. doi:10.2307/2426076.
Clark BK, Kaufman DW. Short-term responses of small mammals to experimental fire in tallgrass prairie. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 1990;68:2450 -2454. doi:10.1139/z90-340.
Cleland EE, Lind EM, DeCrappeo NM, et al. Belowground biomass response to nutrient enrichment depends on light limitation across globally distributed grasslands. Ecosystems. 2019;22(7):1466–1477. doi:10.1007/s10021-019-00350-4.
Cleland EE, Collins SL, Dickson TL, et al. Sensitivity of grassland plant community composition to spatial vs. temporal variation in precipitation. Ecology. 2013;94:1687 -1696. doi:10.1890/12-1006.1.
Cleland EE, Clark CM, Collins SL, et al. Patterns of trait convergence and divergence among native and exotic species in herbaceous plant communities are not modified by nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology. 2011;99:1327 -1338. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01860.x.
Cleland EE, Clark CM, Collins SL, et al. Species responses to nitrogen fertilization in herbaceous plant communities, and associated species traits. Ecology. 2008;89:1175 -. doi:10.1890/07-1104.1.
Cleland EE, Smith MD, Andelman SJ, et al. Invasion in space and time: non-native species richness and relative abundance respond to interannual variation in productivity and diversity. Ecology Letters. 2004;7:947 -957. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2004.00655.x.
Cochran FV, Brunsell N, Mechem DB. Comparing surface and mid-tropospheric CO2 concentrations from central U.S. grasslands. entropy. 2013;15:606 -623. doi:10.3390/e15020606.
Cochran FV, Brunsell N. Temporal scales of tropospheric CO2, precipitation, and ecosystem responses in the central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2012;127:316 - 328. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2012.09.012.
Cochran FV, Brunsell N, Sukyer A. A thermodynamic approach for assessing agroecosystem sustainability. Ecological Indicators. 2016;67:204-214. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.01.045.
Cohen WB, Maiersperger TK, Yang Z, et al. Comparisons of land cover and LAI estimates derived from ETM+ and MODIS for four sites in North America: a quality assessment of 2000/2001 provisional MODIS products. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2003;88:221 -362. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2003.06.006.
Cohen WB, Maiersperger TK, Turner DP, et al. MODIS land cover and LAI collection 4 product quality across nine sites in the western hemisphere. IEEE Transactions in Geosciences and Remote Sensing. 2006;44:1843 -1857. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2006.876026.
Collins SL, Glenn SM. Importance of spatial and temporal dynamics in species regional abundance and distribution. Ecology. 1991;72:654 -664. doi:10.2307/2937205.
Collins SL. Long-term research and the dynamics of bird populations and communities: an overview. Auk. 2001;118:583 -588. doi:10.1642/0004-8038(2001)118[0583:LTRATD]2.0.CO;2.
Collins SL. Fire frequency and community heterogeneity in tallgrass prairie vegetation. Ecology. 1992;73:2001 -2006. doi:10.2307/1941450.
Collins SL, Michelli F, Hartt L. A method to determine rate and pattern of variability in ecological communities. Oikos. 2001;91:285 -293. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2000.910209.x.
Collins SL, Carpenter SR, Swinton SM, et al. An integrated conceptual framework for long-term social-ecological research. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2011;9:351 -357. doi:10.1890/100068.
Collins SL, Nippert JB, Blair JM, Briggs JM, Blackmore P, Ratajczak Z. Fire frequency, state change and hysteresis in tallgrass prairie. Ecology Letters. 2021;24(4):636-647. doi:10.1111/ele.13676.
Collins SL, Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Blair JM, Steinauer EM. Modulation of diversity by grazing and mowing in native tallgrass prairie. Science. 1998;280:745 -747. doi:10.1126/science.280.5364.745.
Collins SL. Disturbance frequency and community stability in native tallgrass prairie. The American Naturalist. 2000;155:311 -325. doi:10.1086/303326.
Collins SL, Calabrese LB. Effects of fire, grazing and topographic variation on vegetation structure in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2012;23:563 -575. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2011.01369.x.
Collins SL, Suding KN, Cleland EE, et al. Rank clocks and plant community dynamics. Ecology. 2008;89:3534 -3541. doi:10.1890/07-1646.1.
Collins SL, Koerner SE, Plaut JA, et al. Stability of tallgrass prairie during a 19-year increase in growing season precipitation. Functional Ecology. 2012;26(6):1450 - 1459. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.01995.x.
Collins SL. The measurement of stability in grasslands. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 1995;10:95 -96.
Collins SL, Glenn SM, Gibson DJ. Experimental analysis of intermediate disturbance and initial floristic composition: decoupling cause and effect. Ecology. 1995;76:486 -492. doi:10.2307/1941207.
Collins SL, Glenn SM. Effects of organismal and distance scaling on analysis of species distribution and abundance. Ecological Applications. 1997;7:543 -551. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(1997)007[0543:EOOADS]2.0.CO;2.
Collins SL, Smith MD. Scale-dependent interaction of fire andgrazing on community heterogeneity in tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 2006;87:2058 -2067. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2006)87[2058:SIOFAG]2.0.CO;2.
Collins SL, Glenn SM. Intermediate disturbance and its relationship to within-and between-patch structure. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 1997;21:103 -110. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/24054530.
Collins SL, Glenn SM, Roberts DW. The hierarchical continuum concept. Journal of Vegetation Science. 1993;4:149 -156. doi:10.2307/3236099.
Collins SL, Glenn SM. A hierarchical analysis of species abundance patterns in grassland vegetation. The American Midland Naturalist. 1990;135:633 -648. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2462027.
Collins SL, Glenn SM, Briggs JM. Effect of local and regional processes on plant species richness in tallgrass prairie. Oikos. 2002;99:571 -579. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.12112.x.
Commerford JL, McLauchlan KK, Minckley TA. High dissimilarity within a multiyear annual record of pollen assemblages from a North American tallgrass prairie. Ecology and Evolution. 2016;6(15):5273 - 5289. doi:10.1002/ece3.2259.
Comte L, Carvajal J, Tedesco PA, et al. RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time‐series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Bahn V. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2021;30(1):38 - 50. doi:10.1111/geb.13210.
R. Connell K, Zeglin LH, Blair JM. Plant legacies and soil microbial community dynamics control soil respiration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2021;160:108350. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108350.
