Konza LTER Publications
The ecology and significance of below-ground bud banks in plants. Annals of Botany. 2019;123(7):1099 - 1118. doi:10.1093/aob/mcz051.
. The ecology of a subterranean isopod, Caecidotea tridentata. Freshwater Biology. 1996;35:249 -259. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.1996.00497.x.
. Ecophysiological responses of two dominant grasses to altered temperature and precipitation regimes. Acta Oecologia. 2009;35:400 -408. doi:10.1016/j.actao.2009.01.010.
. Ecophysiology of Zigadenus nuttallii , a toxic spring ephemeral in a warm season grassland: effect of defoliation and fire. Oecologia. 1986;71:69 -74. doi:10.1007/BF00377323.
. Ecosystem characteristics of remnant, headwater tallgrass prairie streams. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2013;42:239 -249. doi:10.2134/jeq2012.0226.
. An ecosystem in transition: causes and consequences of the conversion of mesic grassland to shrubland. BioScience. 2005;55:243 -254. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2005)055[0243:AEITCA]2.0.CO;2.
Ecosystem significance of crayfishes and central stonerollers in a tallgrass prairie stream: Functional differences between co-occurring omnivores. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 2003;22:423 -441. doi:10.2307/1468272.
. Ecosystems as functional units in nature. Natural Resources and Environment. 2000;14:150 -155.
. Ecotypic responses of switchgrass to altered precipitation. Functional Plant Biology. 2012;39:126 -136. doi:10.1071/FP11229.
. Ecto- and endoparasitic nematodes respond differently across sites to changes in precipitation. Oecologia. 2020;193(3Suppl 1):761 - 771. doi:10.1007/s00442-020-04708-7.
The effect of density dependence on community structure. Ecological Modelling. 1996;93:33 -42. doi:10.1016/0304-3800(95)00209-X.
. Effect of elevated C02 on stomatal density and distribution in a C4 grass and a C3 forb under field conditions. Annals of Botany. 1994;74:595 -599. doi:10.1006/anbo.1994.1159.
. The effect of environmental harshness on neurogenesis: a large-scale comparison. Developmental Neurobiology. 2011;71:246 -252. doi:10.1002/dneu.20847.
. The effect of experimental warming and precipitation change on proteolytic enzyme activity: positive feedbacks to nitrogen availability are not universal. Global Change Biology. 2012;18:2617 -2625. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02685.x.
Effect of fire and drought on the ecophysiology of Andropogon gerardii and Panicum virgatum in a tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 1985;66:1309 -1320. doi:10.2307/1939184.
. Effect of fire in tallgrass prairie on seed production of Vernonia baldwinii Torr. (Compositae). The Southwestern Naturalist. 1984;29:242 -243.
. The effect of fire on gas exchange and aboveground production in Spartina pectinata wetlands. Wetlands. 1993;13:299 -303. doi:10.1007/BF03161296.
. Effect of genotypic richness, drought and mycorrhizal associations on productivity and functional traits of a dominant C4 grass. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2023;16(1):rtac045. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtac045.
. Effect of leaf rolling on gas exchange and leaf temperature of Andropogon gerardii and Spartina pectinata. Botanical Gazette. 1991;152:263 -268. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2995209.
. Effect of litter accumulation on seed predation in three prairie types. American Midland Naturalist. 2006;155:278 -285.
. Effect of local and regional processes on plant species richness in tallgrass prairie. Oikos. 2002;99:571 -579. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.12112.x.
. Effect of microhabitat features on habitat use by Peromyscus leucopus. The American Midland Naturalist. 1983;110:177 -185. doi:10.2307/2425223.
. The effect of prairie management practices on mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycologia. 1992;84:522 -527. doi:10.2307/3760317.
. Effect of prairie-fire ash on food choice by deer mice and hispid cotton rats. The Prairie Naturalist. 1993;25:305 -308.
. The effect of precipitation events on inorganic carbon in soil and shallow groundwater, Konza Prairie LTER Site, NE Kansas, USA. Applied Geochemistry. 2012;27:2356 -2369. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.07.008.
. The effect of rescaling on fine spatial resolution NDVI data: a test using multi-resolution aircraft data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2002;23:3865 -3871. doi:10.1080/01431160210122303.
. Effect of sodium on seed choice by deer mice, white-footed mice, and hispid cotton rats. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1994;97:143 -148. doi:10.2307/3627783.
. The effect of solar zenith angle and sensor view angle on observed patterns of spatial structure in tallgrass prairie. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2004;42:154 -165. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2003.815674.
. Effect of spring burning on the surface energy balance in a tallgrass prairie. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 1999;97:43 -54. doi:10.1016/S0168-1923(99)00034-9.
. The effect of timing of growing season drought on flowering of a dominant C4 grass. Oecologia. 2016;181(2):391 - 399. doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3579-4.
. Effect of topographic position and fire on species composition in tallgrass prairie in northeast Kansas. The American Midland Naturalist. 1987;117:442 -445. doi:10.2307/2425988.
. Effects of altered soil water availability on a tallgrass prairie nematode community. Applied Soil Ecology. 1999;13:45 -55. doi:10.1016/S0929-1393(99)00022-0.
. Effects of animal disturbance on tallgrass prairie vegetation. The American Midland Naturalist. 1989;121:144 -154. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2425665.
. Effects of available P and N:P ratios on non-symbiotic dinitrogen fixation in tallgrass prairie soils. Oecologia. 1989;79:471 -474. doi:10.1007/BF00378663.
. Effects of bison and cattle on growth, reproduction, and abundances of five tallgrass prairie forbs. American Journal of Botany. 1997;84:1719 -1728. Available at: http://www.amjbot.org/content/84/12/1719.short.
. The effects of bison crossings on the macroinvertebrate community in a tallgrass prairie stream. American Midland Naturalist. 1999;141:253 -265. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(1999)141[0253:TEOBCO]2.0.CO;2.
. Effects of bison grazing, fire and topography on floristic diversity in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Range Management. 1996;49:413 -420. doi:10.2307/4002922.
. Effects of bison grazing on Andropogon gerardii and Panicum virgatum in burned and unburned tallgrass prairie. Oecologia. 1992;90:374 -382. doi:10.1007/BF00317694.
. Effects of burn regimes ontallgrass prairie herpetofaunal species diversity and communitycomposition in the Flint Hills, Kansas. Journal of Herpetology. 2006;40:49 -60. doi:10.1670/162-05A.1.
. Effects of burning on snakes in Kansas, USA, tallgrass prairie. Natural Areas Journal. 2003;23:315 -319. Available at: http://www.naturalareas.org/docs/v23_4_03_pp315_319.pdf.
. Effects of burning regime on buried seed banks and canopy coverage in Kansas tallgrass prairie. The Southwestern Naturalist. 1988;33:65 -70. doi:10.2307/3672089.
. Effects of changing meteoric precipitation patterns on groundwater temperature in karst environments. Groundwater. 2017;55(2):227-236. doi:10.1111/gwat.12456.
. Effects of compounded precipitation pattern intensification and drought occur belowground in a mesic grassland. Ecosystems. 2021. doi:10.1007/s10021-021-00714-9.
. The effects of conspecifics on caching behavior of Peromyscus leucopus. Journal of Mammalogy. 1987;68:695 -697. doi:10.2307/1381609.
. Effects of dormant-season herbage removal on Flint Hills rangeland. Journal of Range Management. 1988;41:481 -482.
. Effects of experimental cowbird removals on brood parasitism and nest predation in a grassland songbird. Auk. 2008;125:820 -830. doi:10.1525/auk.2008.06155.
. Effects of experimental forest removal on macroinvertebrate production and functional structure in tallgrass prairie streams. Freshwater Science. 2015;34(2). doi:10.1086/680442.
. Effects of fire and large herbivores on canopy nitrogen in a tallgrass prairie. Remote Sensing. 2019;11(11). doi:10.3390/rs11111364.
. Effects of fire and soil type on earthworm populations in a tallgrass prairie. Pedobiologia. 1982;24:37 -40.
. Effects of fire, browsers, and gallers on New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus herbaceous) growth and reproduction. American Midland Naturalist. 1999;141:51 -58. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(1999)141[0051:EOFBAG]2.0.CO;2.