Title | Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1989 |
Authors | Gray, LJ |
Journal | The Southwestern Naturalist |
Volume | 34 |
Pagination | 313 -318 |
Accession Number | KNZ00228 |
Keywords | tallgrass prairie |
Abstract | Composition, numbers, and biomass of aquatic insects emerging frim Kings Creek, a tallgrass prairie stream in Kansas, were quantified during the summers of 1986 and 1987 at six study sites. Mean emergence was 101 individuals m-2d-1 and 20.3 mg m-2d-1. The most common taxa were Chironomidae (Diptera) and Ephemeroptera. Discharge greatly influenced emergence production with lowest production rates occurring as streams dried. Aquatic adults and terrestrial insects falling into the stream averaged 2.7 mg m-2d-1, thus net export was 17.6 mg m-2d-1. Because stream export exceeds terrestrial arthropod production, prairie streams may be important feeding areas for terrestrial predators |
DOI | 10.2307/3672158 |