Title | House mice (Mus musculus) in natural and disturbed habitats in Kansas |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1990 |
Authors | Kaufman, DW, Kaufman, GA |
Journal | Journal of Mammalogy |
Volume | 71 |
Pagination | 428 -432 |
Accession Number | KNZ00286 |
Keywords | tallgrass prairie |
Abstract | The relative density of house mice (Mus musculus was less than 0.05 individuals/trapline (20 stations with 15 m between stations) in mixed-grass prairie, planted grasslands, woodlands, and crop fields in north-central Kansas and in tallgrass prairie and woodlands in eastern Kansas. The only exception was in crop-field fencerows in north-central Kansas (0.29 individuals/trapline). Percent abundance of Mus in the rodent assemblage also was low (less than 0.5% of all rodents) in grasslands, woodlands, mowed hayfields, and roadside ditches, but not in crop fields (2.6% for a mixture of types of crop fields) or crop-field fencerows (4.1%). Percent abundance varied significantly (P less than 0.05) among different types of crop fields with the highest values in alfalfa fields and lowest values in wheat fields. Our observations suggest that Mus is seldom, if ever, common in grasslands and woodlands, and only infrequently common in crop fields such as sorghum fields with bales containing grain during winter |
DOI | 10.2307/1381956 |