North american forests and grasslands: biotic conservation

TitleNorth american forests and grasslands: biotic conservation
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsWhitcomb, RF
EditorSaunders, DA, Arnold, GW, Burbidge, AA, Hopkins, AJM
Book TitleNature Conservation: The Role of Remnants of Native Vegetation
Pagination163 -176
PublisherSurrey Beatty and Sons Pry Limited in association with CSIRO and CALM
Accession NumberKNZ00163

Studies of eastern forest birds and grassland insects of North America are summarized with respect to their implications for conservation and reserve design. Large tracts (thousands of hectares) are required in both forest and grassland biomes for preservation of landscape heritage and conservation of mammal or bird species. Life history strategies of plant or insect species vary geographically, climatically, and along altitudinal, latitudinal, and longitudinal gradients. Development of insect conservation strategies therefore requires a thorough analysis of these habitat characteristics. Goals catering to insect or plant conservation may thus conflict with strategies designed solely for conservation of birds or mammals. In both grassland and forests, conservation strategies should emphasize 1) acquisition of representative large parcels in each major vegetational region, 2) identification and preservation of endangered species, habitats, or communities not protected in large reserves, and 3) insistence that management strategies of large government-owned multiply used landholdings include conservation of biotic diversity as a major objective