KNZ Data Catalog

179 matching data sets (displaying 101 - 125)
Title Investigator Date Range
PSC01 Exploring effects on stream ecosystem properties by two size classes of prairie stream cyprinids Erika Martin, Dr. Keith B Gido 2012
RCS01 Recovery and relative influence of root, microbial, and structural properties of soil on physically sequestered carbon stocks in restored grassland at Konza Prairie Drew Scott, Dr. John M. Blair 2013 to 2017
RFP01 Properties of large hillslope blocks and cliff faces along the cottonwood limestone near the konza prairie nature trail Nicholas McCarroll, Dr. Arnaud Temme 2019 to 2021
RIV01 Stream water isotopes in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie Dr. Jesse Nippert 2010 to 2020
RIV02 Plant transect data for the N2B experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Walter K. Dodds 2010 to 2020
RIV03 Channel morphology in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas before and after canopy cutting at Konza Prairie Bart Grudzinski 2010 to 2019
RIV04 Moss cover in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie Dr. Walter K. Dodds 2010 to 2020
RIV05 Leaf mass in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie Dr. Walter K. Dodds 2010 to 2020
RIV06 Remote sensing in and around riparian zones at Konza Prairie Dr. Zak Ratajczak 2020 to 2022
RIV07 Seeding rates woody removal of a tallgrass prairie stream and riparian zone after a decade of woody vegetation removal Dr. Walter K. Dodds 2010 to 2020
RMP01 Rainfall manipulation plot study at Konza Prairie Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. John M. Blair 1997 to 2012
SDR01 Intra-clonal stem demography of Cornus drummondii in response to fire and browsing at Konza Prairie Emily Wedel, Dr. David C. Hartnett 2018 to 2019
SEA01 Soil extracellular enzyme activity data from the Belowground Plot Experiment Matthew Nieland, Dr. Lydia Zeglin 2015
SIC01 Isotopic composition of select archived soil cores from Konza Prairie Dr. Kent Connell, Dr. John M. Blair 1982 to 2015
SLP01 Leaf physiology in response to fire and climate within Cornus drummondii shrubs at Konza prairie Emily Wedel, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2015 to 2018
SMB01 Variation in soil respiration and bacterial community due to species-specific plant-soil history at konza prairie Dr. Kent Connell, Dr. John M. Blair 2015 to 2017
SMP01 Spatial variation of soil microbial processes under Cornus drummondii shrubs of varying size at Konza Prairie, 2017 Dr. Kent Connell, Dr. John M. Blair 2017
SMR01 Konza Prairie grassland soil microbial responses to long-term management of N availability Dr. Lydia Zeglin, Christine Carson 2014 to 2015
SNE01 Species richness, community evenness (Evar) and ANPP effects of nitrogen addition across a gradient of 8 levels in a semi-arid shortgrass steppe and a mesic tallgrass prairie, 2014-2018 Dr. Melinda D. Smith 2014 to 2018
SPW01 Spatial and physical characteristics of bison wallows on Konza Prairie since 2011 Dr. Eva Horne 2011 to 2020
SRH01 Seed release height and terminal velocity of forb species at Konza Prairie Sarah Herzog, Dr. Allison Louthan 2022 to 2024
SRM01 ShRaMPs (Shrub Rainout Manipulation Plots): interactive effects of drought and fire on grass and shrub physiology and productivity at Konza Prairie Rachel Keen, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2019 to 2022
SRP01 Sequential prairie restoration experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Sara G. Baer, Katie Eckhoff 2010 to 2020
VIR01 Effects of invertebate and vertebrate herbivory on tallgrass prairie plant community composition and biomass, Konza Prairie LTER Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Anthony Joern 2009 to 2022
WAT01 Konza Prairie long-term irrigation transect study Dr. John M. Blair 1991 to 2024
