PSC01 Exploring effects on stream ecosystem properties by two size classes of prairie stream cyprinids |
Erika Martin, Dr. Keith B Gido |
2012 |
RCS01 Recovery and relative influence of root, microbial, and structural properties of soil on physically sequestered carbon stocks in restored grassland at Konza Prairie |
Drew Scott, Dr. John M. Blair |
2013 to 2017 |
RFP01 Properties of large hillslope blocks and cliff faces along the cottonwood limestone near the konza prairie nature trail |
Nicholas McCarroll, Dr. Arnaud Temme |
2019 to 2021 |
RIV01 Stream water isotopes in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2010 to 2020 |
RIV02 Plant transect data for the N2B experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
RIV03 Channel morphology in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas before and after canopy cutting at Konza Prairie |
Bart Grudzinski |
2010 to 2019 |
RIV04 Moss cover in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
RIV05 Leaf mass in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
RIV06 Remote sensing in and around riparian zones at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
2020 to 2022 |
RIV07 Seeding rates woody removal of a tallgrass prairie stream and riparian zone after a decade of woody vegetation removal |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
RMP01 Rainfall manipulation plot study at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. John M. Blair |
1997 to 2012 |
SDR01 Intra-clonal stem demography of Cornus drummondii in response to fire and browsing at Konza Prairie |
Emily Wedel, Dr. David C. Hartnett |
2018 to 2019 |
SEA01 Soil extracellular enzyme activity data from the Belowground Plot Experiment |
Matthew Nieland, Dr. Lydia Zeglin |
2015 |
SIC01 Isotopic composition of select archived soil cores from Konza Prairie |
Dr. Kent Connell, Dr. John M. Blair |
1982 to 2015 |
SLP01 Leaf physiology in response to fire and climate within Cornus drummondii shrubs at Konza prairie |
Emily Wedel, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2015 to 2018 |
SMB01 Variation in soil respiration and bacterial community due to species-specific plant-soil history at konza prairie |
Dr. Kent Connell, Dr. John M. Blair |
2015 to 2017 |
SMP01 Spatial variation of soil microbial processes under Cornus drummondii shrubs of varying size at Konza Prairie, 2017 |
Dr. Kent Connell, Dr. John M. Blair |
2017 |
SMR01 Konza Prairie grassland soil microbial responses to long-term management of N availability |
Dr. Lydia Zeglin, Christine Carson |
2014 to 2015 |
SNE01 Species richness, community evenness (Evar) and ANPP effects of nitrogen addition across a gradient of 8 levels in a semi-arid shortgrass steppe and a mesic tallgrass prairie, 2014-2018 |
Dr. Melinda D. Smith |
2014 to 2018 |
SPW01 Spatial and physical characteristics of bison wallows on Konza Prairie since 2011 |
Dr. Eva Horne |
2011 to 2020 |
SRH01 Seed release height and terminal velocity of forb species at Konza Prairie |
Sarah Herzog, Dr. Allison Louthan |
2022 to 2024 |
SRM01 ShRaMPs (Shrub Rainout Manipulation Plots): interactive effects of drought and fire on grass and shrub physiology and productivity at Konza Prairie |
Rachel Keen, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2019 to 2022 |
SRP01 Sequential prairie restoration experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Sara G. Baer, Katie Eckhoff |
2010 to 2020 |
VIR01 Effects of invertebate and vertebrate herbivory on tallgrass prairie plant community composition and biomass, Konza Prairie LTER |
Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Anthony Joern |
2009 to 2022 |
WAT01 Konza Prairie long-term irrigation transect study |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1991 to 2024 |