
GIS02 GIS Coverages Defining the Konza Prairie Experimental Watershed Treatments


This dataset defines the experimental watershed treatments for the Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS). These treatments have changed over time to represent changes in both physical boundaries as well as changes in watershed treatments.

These data are available to download as zipped shapefiles (.zip), compressed Google Earth KML layers (.kmz).

Data set ID: 


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Information relevant to the GIS data encoding

This dataset defines the experimental watershed treatments for the Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS). These treatments have changed over time to represent changes in both physical boundaries as well as changes in watershed treatments. These data are available as zipped (.zip) shapefiles (.shp). This datatype defines the historical usage of the land that would become the Konza Prairie Biological Station.Horizontal Coordinate System Name:NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14N

Datum: D North American 1983
Reference Ellipsoid: Name: GRS 1980 Semi Axis: 6378137.0
Meridian: Greenwich
Projection Name : Transverse Mercator

Data sources: 




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