Data set ID:
Dates of records of occurrence for all bird species reported on Konza Prairie.
Dates of records of occurrence for all bird species reported on Konza Prairie.
The purpose of this study is to monitor long-term changes in individual animal mass. The datasets include an annual summary of the bison herd structure, end-of-season weights of individual animals, and maternal parentage of individual bison.
Dates by species of documented records of breeding - either nests or dependent, fledged young - with contents of nest, nest placement information and location on Konza Prairie recorded by grid square.
Records of bird species based on line transect sampling, giving perpendicular distance of sighting from the transect line on 16 separate transects. Bird surveys were conducted 2-4 times per year in January, April, June, and October for a 29-year period from 1981 to 2009. Transects were designed to determine bird communities and population numbers associated with tallgrass prairie habitats with different experimental treatments (fire frequency, grazed by bison vs. ungrazed), riparian habitats on forest edge, and gallery forests dominated by oak woodland.
Fishes were collected by habitat (pool or riffle) at 6 sites in the Kings Creek watershed with a single-pass electrofishing survey with one person operating the electrofisher and two people dipnetting. Collections were made seasonally.
Long-term monitoring of gall-insect densities on Solidago canadensis, Vernonia baldwinii, and Ceanothus herbaceous. Gall abundances are censused in watersheds burned at one- to twenty- year intervals to asses the role of fire frequency and time since fire on gall-insect population dynamics. The data sets contain the following: Watershed fire frequency, number of growing seasons since last fire, plant species, number of galled stems, and number of censused stems. Censuses conducted for the 1989-1996 growing seasons except 1992 and 1994, next scheduled census is fall 1997.
Sweep samples for estimating grasshopper (Acrididae) composition and relative abundance at one site for each of 12 Konza Prairie LTER fire/grazing/soil treatment combinations (3 fire treatments x 2 soils x 2 grazing treatments). Samples were collected in June, August, and September. At each site on each occasion, 18 sets of 10 sweeps each (180 sweeps total) were taken. Stored data include for each site on each occasion: total number of each species (all instars combined) collected and total number for each instar for each species (180 sweeps combined).
Sweep samples were taken for grasshoppers (Acrididae) at two sites for each of 14 Konza Prairie LTER watersheds. Samples are taken in late July to early August. At each site on each occasion, 10 sets of 20 sweeps (200 sweeps total) are taken. Stored data include for each site on each occasion: total number of each species (all instars combined) collected and total number for each instar for each species (200 sweeps combined).
Sweep samples were taken for grasshoppers (Arcididae) at two upland sites on 5 watersheds at approximately two week intervals, June-Sept 1982. At each site on each occasion, 20 sets of 20 sweeps (400 sweeps total) were taken. Stored data include for each site on each occasion: total number of each species (all instars combined) collected and total number for each instar for each species (400 sweeps combined).
Sweep samples were taken for grasshoppers (Acrididae) at two sites for each of 14 Konza Prairie LTER watersheds. Samples are taken in late July to early August. At each site on each occasion, 10 sets of 20 sweeps (200 sweeps total) are taken. Stored data include for each site on each occasion: total number of each species (all instars combined) collected and total number for each instar for each species (200 sweeps combined).
Twenty replicate permanent 2x2 m plots were established in early 1991 along a randomly located transect, with a 2m space between each plot, on the following watersheds: 1B, 1D, annually burned HQB, 10B, 20D and infrequently burned HQB. Ten of the plots were randomly assigned as long-term mycorrhizal suppression plots. In each of these plots, AM fungi were suppressed by the application of the fungicide benomyl as a soil drench (7.5 liters per plot) at the rate of 1.25 g/m2 (active ingredient).
Location of leks and number of birds per lek are censused during late April and early May across Konza Prairie to document year to year densities of greater prairie chickens. This dataset is continued by CPC02 after 04/19/1999.
Location of leks and number of birds per lek are censused during late April and early May across Konza Prairie to document year to year densities of greater prairie chickens.
Belowground densities and biomass of macroarthropods on annually were measured by hand-sorting techniques. Total herbivore biomass was greater in soils of annually burned sites, and was composed largely of white grubs (Scarabaeidae).
Data set contains seasonal summaries (spring and autumn) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each grassland trapline. Each record contains year, season, trapline and number of individuals captured of each species. These live trap records are based on daily captures during two 4-day trapping periods in spring (late February to early April) and autumn (early October to mid-November) for each of 14 permanent traplines established on seven fire-grazing treatments (two traplines per treatment).
Data set contains seasonal summaries (spring, summer and autumn) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each woodland trapline. Each record contains year, season, trapline and number of individuals captured of each species.
Data set contains seasonal summaries (spring, summer and autumn) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each woodland trapline. Each record contains year, season, trapline and number of individuals captured of each species.
Data set contains seasonal summaries (spring, summer and fall) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal caught (relative density) on each grassland census line. Each record contains trapline, year of last fire and number of individuals per species. These live trap records are based on daily captures during three 4-day trapping peroids, March, July and October, for each of 20 permanent census lines established on 10 fire-grazing treatments (2 lines per treatment).
Data set contains seasonal summaries (spring and autumn) of the the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each grassland trapline. Each record contains year, season, trapline and number of individuals captured of each species. These live trap records are based on daily captures during a single 4-day trapping period in spring (mid-March to early April) and autumn (late October to early December) for each of six permanent traplines established on two fire treatments (three traplines per treatment).
Data set contains seasonal summaries (spring, summer and autumn) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each prairie trapline. Each record contains year, season, trapline and number of individuals captured of each species. These live trap records are based on daily captures during 4-day trapping periods in spring (early March to early April), summer (late June to late July) and autumn (early October to mid-November) for each permanent trapline (two traplines per treatment).
This dataset includes captures of mainly Grasshopper Sparrows (GRSP) prior to 2017, and after that, additionally many Dickcissels, Eastern Meadowlarks, Brown-headed Cowbirds and other songbirds. Each row pertains to an individual captured on a certain day. Individuals can repeat. Most captures include data on age, sex, head-bill, tarsus, wind chord, molt score, fat score, and mass. In many cases, a single feather was collected from each bird for isotopic analyses.
This data set contains data describing Grasshopper Sparrow nests prior to 2017, and after that, additionally many Dickcissels, Eastern Meadowlarks, and other songbirds.. These nests were primarily found by rope dragging but also on surveys (see RI Survey Data Set), flushing birds during other activities, and via behavioral observations.
Data on the location, identity, and reproductive index (Vickery et al. 1992) of Grasshopper Sparrows prior to 2017, and after that, additionally many Dickcissels, Eastern Meadowlarks, Brown-headed Cowbirds and other songbirds within 10-ha plots on multiple watersheds units on Konza and on two adjoining units on the Rannells Preserve. Each plot was surveyed every ~7-10 days. These surveys documented individual sparrow, Dickcissel, and Eastern Meadowlark locations, and are used to calculate dispersal distances and territory densities and movements.
This data set includes data on the contents of sweep samples. We collected sweeps in select years during May, June, and/or July in 3 locations on each of the focal watersheds. Sweeps were 80m long and centered at veg points. Data consist of information about the sampling events, and sample wet mass, edible mass (combined mass of selected orders listed below).
Data set includes estimates of vegetation structure and composition collected during ~monthly sampling events on Konza Prairie watersheds and on the nearby Rannell’s Preserve. Vegetation data were collected from three (prior to 2017) or 10 randomly-selected locations on each watershed; two from outside the 10-ha plot (see project abstract) and one inside the plot. We sampled vegetation on each watershed once a month, during May, June, and July. Additional vegetation data were collected from bird nest sites within ~3 days of nests failing.
Long-term monitoring of bird presence is performed on Konza Prairie. The purpose was to determine bird species phenology of occurrence on entire Konza Prairie. Data on the presence, including documented nesting, of all bird species is recorded weekly in five-year periods e.g. 1980-1984, 1985-1989, 1990-1994.
Prairie stream fish communities have been monitored seasonally at multiple sites within the Kings Creek watershed since 1995. The objective of this sampling is to evaluate how these communities respond to seasonal and annual variation in environmental conditions. Specifically, we are interesting in testing the resistance and resilience of stream communities in response to flood and drought disturbances. One site in a downstream perennial reach of the watershed has been sampled since 1995.
Data set contains summaries (summer) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each transect. Each record contains date, treatment, transect, trap station, species, specimen number, recapture status, specimen disposition, external body measurements (where applicable), reproductive information, and miscellaneous associated comments.
This GPS-collar data set was used to evaluate the factors that influence where bison choose to graze and how grazing and space use patterns affect ecosystem function and structure. Our objectives were to quantify space use and movement patterns of adult female Plains bison in the context of selection for specific prescribed burn frequencies and topographical features in the bison-grazed watersheds at Konza Prairie.
Data set contains summaries of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each trapping grid. Each record contains date, treatment, grid, trap station, species, specimen number, recapture status, specimen disposition, external body measurements (where applicable), reproductive information, and miscellaneous associated comments.
This dataset includes captures of small-bodied landbirds captured via passive mist-netting efforts. The objectives are to (a) initiate a long-term survey of the non-breeding birds of the site, (b) understand the behavioral and physiological mechanisms that allow birds to cope with the unpredictable, variable, and often harsh conditions during winter months, and (c) provide a training platform for students.
Like CPB01 and PBG051, this dataset includes records of bird species based on line transect sampling.