CFP012 [1]
This dataset contains historical Konza fish population
File upload:

- Label:
- Definition: Dataset code
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: dataset record type
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: number
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Year of sample collected
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: Year (YYYY)
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 1
- Missing values: None specified
- Label: Recdate
- Definition: The year in which the data were collected.
- Type: Date/time
- Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: watershed
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Macro habitat (pool or riffle)
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Replicate of sampling
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: number
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 1
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Species Code
- Type: Code list
- Codes:
- CAMANO = Campostoma anamolum
- CATCOM = Catostomus commersoni
- CHRERY = Chrosomus erythrogaster
- CRAY = Unidentified crayfish
- CYPLUT = Cyprinella lutrensis
- ETHNIG = Etheostoma nigrum
- ETHSPE = Etheostoma spectabile
- GAMAFF = Gambusia affinis
- LEPCYA = Lepomis cyanellus
- LEPHUM = Lepomis humilis
- LEPMAC = Lepomis macrochirus
- LEPMEG = Lepomis megalotis
- LUXCOR = Luxilus cornutus
- NOTEXI = Noturus exilis
- NOTPER = Notropis percobromus
- NOTSTR = Notropis stramineus
- ORCNAI = Orconectes nais
- ORCNEG = Orconectes neglectus
- PHEMIR = Phenocobius mirabilis
- PIMNOT = Pimephales notatus
- PIMPRO = Pimephales promelas
- SEMATR = Semotilis atromaculatus
- TADPOL = Unidentified tadpole
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Number of count for the species
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: number
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values: None specified
Number of records:
16 522