
PVC01 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie


Canopy coverage and frequency of plant species were estimated visually in 20 circular 10 sq m plots. Six treatments were sampled, three ungrazed and three to be grazed (in the future) by native grazers (bison). In each case, one of the three watersheds was unburned, another burned annually in April, and the third burned every four years in April. In each treatment two soils were sampled: a lower slope deep fertile non-rocky soil (Tully silty clay loam) and a shallow rocky soil (Florence cherty silt loam) on level to gently sloping ridges.

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To record differences in plant species composition due to burning and soil effects


Location of Sampling Stations: 20 plots each 10 m2 in Tully and Florence soils in 000B, N00D, 001D, N01B, 004B, N04D (1981)

Frequency of Sampling: In each of the 12 soil-treatment areas one 45 x 36 m quadrant was established that was divided into eighty 4.5 x 4.5 m plots. Twenty of these plots were randomly chosen to be sampled.

Variable Measured: Date, location, soil, species.

Methods: In each plot the area occupied by the canopy (the area enclosed by lines connecting the canopy extremities) is recorded by use of size classes: 0-1, 1-5, 5-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-95, and 95-100%.

For list of Species codes used, please check species list (PDF), or species list in Excel version

For the PVC Experiment Map, please check PVC map

For additional metadata information see:

For additional methods information see:

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