Brown-headed Cowbird

Brown-headed Cowbird

KBN01 Konza bird nests


This data set is a compilation of data collected by multiple researchers describing nests of 48 bird species from across Konza Prairie. Compiled and edited into consistent format by Emma B. Smith, and included in her Master’s thesis. The goal of this dataset is to compile as much data on bird nests at Konza as possible. This data set includes data from other KNZ datasets CBN01 and PBG05, as well as data contributed by Page Klug, Jim Rivers, John Zimmerman, Bill Jensen, Brett Sandercock, Alice Boyle, Bram Verheijen, Bridget Sousa, Aaron Pearse, Karl Kosciuch, and Scott Hatch. These nests were found by rope dragging, opportunistically during other activities, within nest boxes, and/or via behavioral observations. We described nest contents, and some were monitored via repeated visits. Some data are freely available, and other data are restricted access, at the discretion of each individual contributor.
Methods:  These nests were found by rope dragging, opportunistically during other activities, within nest boxes, and/or via behavioral observations. We described nest contents, and some were monitored via repeated visits. This dataset contains data collected by numerous researchers throughout the history of the site, so the individual methods vary. Some data are freely available, and other data are restricted access, at the discretion of each individual contributor.

Data set ID: 


Core Areas: 

Short name: 



For this thesis project, which used all of the nest data up to NestAutoID #80020. Any nests added after that point were not included in this thesis project. The individual data owners each signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which described their involvement with the thesis work, as well as any conditions or restrictions for use of their data. All of these MOUs are saved in the same location as this metadata document.

Converting grid cells to current watersheds
Nests with just a grid cell recorded were assigned by Emma B. Smith and Alice Boyle. We assigned these nests to watersheds based either on which watershed contained a large majority of the grid cell, or based on knowledge about each species’ habitat use and the available habitat on each of the watersheds at the time. Below is a table with a list of each of the grid cells we assigned in the dataset, how many nests of each species were in the dataset in each of those grid cells, which current watersheds each grid cell were contained in, the percentage of the grid cell contained in each watershed, our reason for assigning each species to a watershed, and the watershed we assigned it to.

Changes and notes:

Part of the data from Bridget Sousa is not public available untill (2030), please contact us if you have any questions.

Data sources: 



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