
ASS01 Suspended sediments in streams impacted by prescribed buring, grazing and woody vegetation removal at Konza Prairie


To determine effects of rotational burning and riparian vegetation removal on suspended solid concentrations in streams. Two sites are burned with a frequency of 2 (N02B) and 4 (N04D) years and grazed by bison. In 2011, N02B will have woody riparian vegetation removed along the entire stream length. The Shane Creek site (SHAN) is currently ungrazed and burned most years. In 2011 the treatment will be switched to grazing and burning of 1/3 of the watershed every year. The data include before and during-treatment sampling for both experiments.

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Location of Sampling Stations: N02B: H-22 (grid location), N04D: K-22, Shane Creek: T-9

Frequency of Sampling: Samples are collected 2-3 times per week for duration of stream flow. Continuous optical turbidity measurements are made simultaneously. Study initiated May 6, 2009.

Variable Measured: Mass per unit volume of total suspended solids and volatile solids is determined for three sites.

Field Methods:One 4-liter sample is taken at each location. Great care is taken to not stir up the stream bed and sampler stands downstream from point where sample is taken or out of the stream. Date, time, stream temperature and stream height (N02B and N04D only) are recorded for each sample. Samples are refrigerated at 4oC for a minimum of 24-hours before further processing.

Laboratory Methods: Samples are filtered onto prepared glass microfiber filters (pre combusted in a muffle furnace at 500oC, and weighed). Amount of sample varies from 50 mL to 4000+ mL depending on turbidity of sample, and volume filtered is recorded. Any remaining sample is discarded. Filters are oven dried at 100-105oC. Samples are weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g (total suspended solids= total mass- filter mass). Occasionally, a batch of filters will go through a second drying and weighing to check for accuracy. Re-wetting and re-drying of numerous samples yielded less than 1% change in measured mass, so re-wetting and drying is not done on every sample. Samples are then combusted in a muffle furnace at 500oC. Samples are weighed again to the nearest 0.0001g (volatile solids= dry filter mass - combusted filter mass). Occasionally, a batch of filtered samples will go through a second drying following combustion to check for accurate accounting of water of hydration. Re-wetting and re-drying of numerous samples yielded less than 1% change in measured weights. Filters are discarded after final weighing.

Form of Data Output: ASS011data for watershed N02B, ASS012 - data for watershed N04D, ASS013 - data for watershed SHAN (SA, SB, SC, Shane Creek)

Changes: 2018 March: we combined all three data sets to one by adding column of watershed, so now ASS011 data is for all watersheds.

For additional metadata information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/DC.pdf

For additional methods information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/MM.pdf

Data sources: 




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