
CBS03 Grasshopper sparrow surveys: densities, reproductive index, and locations of marked individuals on Konza Prairie


Data on the location, identity, and reproductive index (Vickery et al. 1992) of Grasshopper Sparrows prior to 2017, and after that, additionally many Dickcissels, Eastern Meadowlarks, Brown-headed Cowbirds and other songbirds within 10-ha plots on multiple watersheds units on Konza and on two adjoining units on the Rannells Preserve. Each plot was surveyed every ~7-10 days. These surveys documented individual sparrow, Dickcissel, and Eastern Meadowlark locations, and are used to calculate dispersal distances and territory densities and movements. Missing values in character fields denoted by NA, and in numeric fields, either  -999 or -9.

Data set ID: 


Core Areas: 

Short name: 



Location of Sampling Stations: 14 watershed units on Konza and 2 adjoining units on Rannell’s Preserve.
Frequency of Sampling: Every ~7-10 days.
Variable Measured: Date, location weather, number of territorial males.

Observer Initials, Full name
AB    Alice Boyle
AJH    Alex J Henry
AJM    Andrew Mayer
ANB    Allison Nicole Bays
BNP    Blair Pfeifer
BV    Bram Verheijen
CES    Chelsea E Sink
CKP    Chyna Kaling Pei
DCA    Dakota C Allen
DDH    Destiney D Hett
DJS    Dylan J Smith
EJW    Emily J Williams
GW    Virginia Winder
HCM    Henry Castro-Miller
HN    Hunter Nedland
HRL    Heather Lerner
JLG    Joanna Gresham
JMG    Jackie M Gehrt
JMS    Joseph Schmit
KB    Katharina Bremser
KEG    Keil E Garey
KET    Katelyn E Thompson
KLK    Kristin Kersten
KMS    Katy M. Silber
MDR    Miriam Reynaldo
MKW    Mary Kate Wilcox
MLG    Michaela L Gustafson
MW    Mariel Winnerman
NAB    Natasha A Bergevine
RCD    Ryan Donnelly
SKW    Sarah K Winnicki
SLD    Sarah Lindsay Demadura
SVR    Suzy V Replogle Curnutt

0    Calm    Calm, smoke rises vertically
1    Light Air    Smoke drift indicates wind direction,
2    Light Breeze    Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes begin to move
3    Gentle Breeze    Leaves and small twigs constantly moving, light flags extended
4    Moderate Breeze    Dust, leaves, and loose paper lifted, small tree branches move
5    Fresh Breeze    Small trees in leaf begin to sway
6    Strong Breeze    Larger tree branches moving, whistling in wires
7    Near Gale    Whole trees moving, resistance felt walking against wind

None, mist, drizzle, light rain, heavy rain, snow, hail

Reproductive Index:
1    Territorial    Buzz song
1.5    Courtship    Alternate song
2    Paired    Two birds, no fight
3    Nest Building/Incubating    Carry grass, flush close, chips
4    Nestlings    Carry food; chips, little song
5    Fledglings    

Species Code:
Species Code    Common Name     Scientific Name
GRSP    Grasshopper Sparrow    Ammodramus savannarum
DICK    Dickcissel    Spiza americana
EAME    Eastern Meadowlark    Sturnella magna

Color Band Color Abbreviations:
A    Gray
B    Light Blue
D    Dark Blue
G    Green
K    Black
O    Orange
P    Pink
R    Red
S    Silver
W    White
Y    Yellow
Vickery, P. D., M. L. Hunter, and J. V. Wells (1992). Use of a new reproductive index to evaluate relationship between habitat quality and breeding success. Auk 109:697-705.

For additional metadata information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/DC.pdf
For additional methods information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/MM.pdf

Data sources: 




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