standing dead

OPD01 Konza Prairie standing dead and litter decomposition (1981-1983)


Standing dead and litter decomposition of big bluestem foliage and flowering stems were measured for two years using litterbag methods. Mass, nitrogen and phosphorus content were measured.

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To measure mass, N and P flux of standing dead and litter.


Location of Sampling Stations: 004B, 000B, Florence and Tully soils (1981-1983)

Frequency of Sampling: Stratified by watershed and soil type. 400 bags placed in field at beginning. 5-10 harvested quarterly for first year and every 6 months during the second year.

Variable Measured: Date, location, length of time in field, initial and final weight, matter type.

Methods: Air dry wts - (foliage and stems, separately) recorded prior to placement in field, reweighed after harvest. Tissues ground, Kjeldahl digest and sent to soils testing lab for N and P analysis.

Preliminary Calculations: Initial dry mass and N and P content calculated from subsample harvested immediately after placement in fields.

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