Konza LTER Publications

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Su H, Knapp AK, Briggs JM. Effects of topography and fire on spatial and temporal distribution of soil moisture in a tallgrass prairie. In: Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure and Mining Applications. Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure and Mining Applications. United States Department of Interior Bureau of Mines; 1994:154 -162.
Su H, Briggs JM, Knapp AK, Blair JM, Krummel JR. Detecting spatial and temporal patterns of aboveground production in a tallgrass prairie using remotely-sensed data. 1996:2361 -2365. doi:10.1109/IGARSS.1996.516987.
Su H, Kanemasu ET, Ransom MD, Yang S. Separability of soils in a tallgrass prairie using SPOT and DEM Data. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 1990;32:10 -17. doi:10.1016/0034-4257(90)90027-J.
Su H, Ransom MD, Kanemasu ET. Detecting soil information on a native prairie using Landsat TM and SPOT satellite data. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1989;53:1479 -1483. doi:10.2136/sssaj1989.03615995005300050030x.
Su H. Detecting soil information on the Konza Prairie using high resolution satellite data. 1988;MS Thesis:1 -109.