Konza LTER Publications
Effects of grazing and prescribed fire on resource selection and nest survival of upland sandpipers in an experimental landscape. Landscape Ecology. 2015;30:325 -337. doi:10.1007/s10980-014-0133-9.
Genetic parentage and local population structure in the socially monogamous Upland Sandpiper. Condor. 2011;113:119 -128. doi:10.1525/cond.2011.100100.
. Heteroduplex molecules cause sexing errors in a standard molecular protocol for avian sexing. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2009;9:61 -65. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2008.02307.x.
. Fine-scale genetic structure and extra-pair parentage in the socially monogamous Upland Sandpiper. 2008;MS Thesis:1 -56. Available at: https://www.k-state.edu/bsanderc/2008casey.pdf.
. Reovirus associated with mortality of an Upland Sandpiper. Wader Study GroupBulletin. 2008;115:60 -61.