
CBM01 Plains bison movement patterns in an experimental heterogeneous landscape at Konza Prairie


This GPS-collar data set was used to evaluate the factors that influence where bison choose to graze and how grazing and space use patterns affect ecosystem function and structure. Our objectives were to quantify space use and movement patterns of adult female Plains bison in the context of selection for specific prescribed burn frequencies and topographical features in the bison-grazed watersheds at Konza Prairie. We hypothesized bison would track post-prescribed burn forage productivity and we predicted watersheds burned for the first time in several years would be used to a greater extent than watersheds burned more frequently.

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Track movements of female plains bison in space and time.


Location of Sampling Stations (watershed name, or map with grid locations): All bison-grazed watersheds at Konza Priairie.

Frequency of Sampling: every 15 minutes to every two hours depending on individual and year.

Variable Measured: Latitude and longitude (easting and northing).

Bison_ID: Ear tag number assigned to individual during first round-up after birth. Letter indicates decade of birth following CBH01 Konza Prairie Bison Herd Information,, and first number indicates year of that decade while remaining numbers indicate the individual number for that year.

Field Methods: Collars deployed on female bison during autumn round-up.

Form of Data Output: date, time, and coordinates Instrumentation: Telonics TGW-3700 GPS collars (Telonics, Mesa, AZ, USA).

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