Konza LTER Publications

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Brehm RW, Hulbert LC. Decomposition of litter in Kansas bluestem prairie. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1980;83:33 -35. doi:10.2307/3627269.
Webster JR, Blood ER, Gregory SV, Gurtz ME, Sparks RE, Thurman EM. Long-term research in stream ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 1985;66:346 -353. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/20166454.
Bark LD. Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, Kansas. In: Greenwood D The Climate of the Long-term Ecological Research Sites. The Climate of the Long-term Ecological Research Sites. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado: Institute for Artic and Alpine research, occasional paper 44; 1987:45 -50.
Nellis MD, Briggs JM. Micro-based Landsat TM data processing for tallgrass prairie monitoring in the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, Kansas. Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conference. 1987;10:76 -80.
Whitcomb RF. North american forests and grasslands: biotic conservation. In: Saunders DA, Arnold GW, Burbidge AA, Hopkins AJM Nature Conservation: The Role of Remnants of Native Vegetation. Nature Conservation: The Role of Remnants of Native Vegetation. Surrey Beatty and Sons Pry Limited in association with CSIRO and CALM; 1987:163 -176.
Hetrick BAD. Acquisition of phosphorus by Va mycorrhizal fungi and the growth responses of their host plants. In: Boddy L, Marchant R, Read DJ Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi. Cambrige, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1989:205 -226.
Merrill GL. Bryopyhtes on Konza Prairie Research Natural Area. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989.
Norman JM, Polley W. Canopy photosynthesis. In: Briggs WR Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis. New York, N.Y: Alan R. Liss, Inc; 1989:227 -241.
Cerling TE, Quade J, Wang Y, Bowman JR. Carbon isotopes in soils and palaeosols as ecology and palaeoecology indicators. Nature. 1989;341:138 -139. doi:10.2307/1940178.
Briggs JM, Seastedt TR, Gibson DJ. Comparative analysis of temporal and spatial variability in aboveground production in a deciduous forest and prairie. Holarctic Ecology. 1989;12:130 -136. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.1989.tb00831.x.
Gray LJ. Correlations between stream insect emergence and densities of insectivorous birds in the tallgrass prairie. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:263 -265.
Ramundo RA, Shapley TD, Turner CL, Dyer MI, Seastedt TR. Effects of manipulation on foliage characteristics of Andropgon gerardii Vitman. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:143 -146.
Nellis MD, Briggs JM. The effects of spatial scale on Konza landscape classification using textural analysis. Landscape Ecology. 1989;2:93 -100. doi:10.1007/BF00137153.
Evans EW, Finck EJ, Briggs JM, et al. Is fire a disturbance in grasslands?. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:159 -161.
Evans EW, Finck EJ, Briggs JM, et al. Is fire a disturbance in grasslands?. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:159 -161.
Gibson DJ. Hulbert's study of factors effecting botanical composition of Tallgrass Prairie. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:115 -133.
Briggs JM, Smith KG. Influence of habitat on acorn selection by Peromyscus leucopus. Journal of Mammalogy. 1989;70:35 -43. doi:10.2307/1381667 .
Briggs JM, Nellis MD. Landsat thematic mapper digital data for predicting aboveground biomass in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:53 -55.
Briggs JM, Nellis MD. Landsat thematic mapper digital data for predicting aboveground biomass in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:53 -55.
Keeler KH, Kwankin B. Polyploid polymorphism in the prairie grass big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii). Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989.
Kaufman DW, Kaufman GA, Finck EJ. Rodents and shrews in ungrazed tallgrass prairie manipulated by fire. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:173 -177.
Seastedt TR, Ramundo RA, Hayes DC. Silica, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics of tallgrass prairie. Bragg TB, Stubbendieck J. 1989:205 -209.
Benedix JH. A behavioral analysis of the plains pocket gopher (Geomys bursarius). 1991;PhD Dissertation:1 -117.
Bentivenga SP. The contribution of mycorrhizal symbiosis to tallgrass prairie. 1991;PhD Dissertation:1 -73.
Seastedt TR, Briggs JM, Gibson DJ. Controls of nitrogen limitation in tallgrass prairie. Oecologia. 1991;87:72 -79. doi:10.1007/BF00323782.
Briggs JM, Knapp AK. Estimating aboveground biomass in tallgrass prairie with the harvest method: determining proper sample size using jackknifing and Monte Carlo simulations. The Southwestern Naturalist. 1991;36:1 -6. doi:10.2307/3672110.
Bentivenga SP, Hetrick BAD. Glomus Mortonii sp. Nov., a previously undescribed species in the Glomaceae isolated from the tallgrass prairie in Kansas. Mycotoxon. 1991;42:9 -15.
Mushinsky HR, Gibson DJ. The influence of fire periodicity on habitat structure. In: Bell SS, McCoy ED, Mushinsky HR Habitat Complexity: The Physical Arrangement of Objects in Space. Habitat Complexity: The Physical Arrangement of Objects in Space. London: Chapman and Hall; 1991:237 -259.
Brillhart DB, Kaufman DW. Influence of illumination and surface structure on space use by prairie deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii). Journal of Mammalogy. 1991;72:764 -768. doi:10.2307/1381840.
Seastedt TR, Briggs JM. Longterm ecological questions and considerations for taking longterm measurements: Lessons from the LTER and FIFE programs on tallgrass prairie. In: Risser PJ Long­term Ecological Research: An International Perspective (SCOPE Vol. 47). Long­term Ecological Research: An International Perspective (SCOPE Vol. 47). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 1991:153 -172.
Schimel DS, Kittel TGF, Knapp AK, Seastedt TR, Parton WJ, Brown VB. Physiological interactions along resource gradients in a tallgrass prairie. Ecology. 1991;72:672 -684. doi:10.2307/2937207.
Burke IC, Kittel TGF, Lauenroth WK, Snook P, Yonker CM, Parton WJ. Regional analysis of the central Great Plains. BioScience. 1991;41:685 -692. doi:http://www.jstor.org/stable/1311763.
Bentivenga SP, Hetrick BAD. Relationship between mycorrhizal activity, burning, and plant productivity in tallgrass prairie. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1991;69:2597 -2619. doi:10.1139/b91-323.
Briggs JM, Nellis MD. Seasonal variation of heterogeneity in tallgrass prairie: a quantitative measure using remote sensing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 1991;57:407 -411.
