Data set ID:
Dates by species of documented records of breeding - either nests or dependent, fledged young - with contents of nest, nest placement information and location on Konza Prairie recorded by grid square.
Dates by species of documented records of breeding - either nests or dependent, fledged young - with contents of nest, nest placement information and location on Konza Prairie recorded by grid square.
Data collected to assess the effects of burning, mowing and fertilizer treatments in the Belowground Plot Experiment upon flowering stem height and density of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), little bluestem (A. scoparious) and Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans), and total aboveground net primary productivity.
Twenty-nine selected species of grasses, forbs, and woody vegetation characteristic of a variety of habitats on Konza Prairie are used for phenological measurements. These species are observed weekly for the entire growing season and changes in their phenological states are recorded. The following phenological states are used for this survey: (1) initiation of growth, (2) first anthesis, (3) duration of anthesis, (4) fruits mature, (5) leaves more than 90% dry.
This data set focuses on seed production, flowering stem mass, height, and population densities of three dominant prairie grasses: Andropogon gerardii (ANGE), Sorgastrum nutans (SONU), and Schizachyrium scoparium (ANSC) in selected Konza Prairie LTER watersheds. Data set includes measurements of flowering stem height (m), density (no. per sq. m) and production (grams per sq. m) and total seed weight (grams) and production (grams per sq. m) on 2 soil types (shallow and deep) in watersheds representing different burning-grazing treatment combinations.
'PBG' datasets are associated with a long-term, large-scale study that is addressing the effects of fire-grazing interactions in the context of a Patch-Burn Grazing management system designed to promote grassland heterogeneity. Effects of patch-burn grazing management on plant and animal diversity and the nature and variety of wildlife habitat are being assessed in two replicate management units, each consisting of three pastures (watersheds) designated C03A/C03B/C03C and C3SA/C3SB/C3SC.
PBG datasets are associated with a long-term, large-scale study that is addressing the effects of fire-grazing interactions in the context of a Patch-Burn Grazing management system designed to promote grassland heterogeneity. Effects of patch-burn grazing management on plant and animal diversity and the nature and variety of wildlife habitat are being assessed in two replicate management units, each consisting of three pastures (watersheds) designated C03A/C03B/C03C and C3SA/C3SB/C3SC. In each patch-burn grazing unit, one watershed is burned and two that are left unburned in a given year.
This data set is a compilation of data collected by multiple researchers describing nests of 48 bird species from across Konza Prairie. Compiled and edited into consistent format by Emma B. Smith, and included in her Master’s thesis. The goal of this dataset is to compile as much data on bird nests at Konza as possible. This data set includes data from other KNZ datasets CBN01 and PBG05, as well as data contributed by Page Klug, Jim Rivers, John Zimmerman, Bill Jensen, Brett Sandercock, Alice Boyle, Bram Verheijen, Bridget Sousa, Aaron Pearse, Karl Kosciuch, and Scott Hatch.