
PFS01 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass, and Little Bluestem on belowground plots


Data collected to assess the effects of burning, mowing and fertilizer treatments in the Belowground Plot Experiment upon flowering stem height and density of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), little bluestem (A. scoparious) and Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans), and total aboveground net primary productivity.

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To access the effects of burning, mowing and fertilizer treatments upon flowering stem height and density of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), little bluestem (A. scoparious) and Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans), and total vegetation production.


Location of Sampling Stations: Every treatment plot in the LTER belowground study plots.

Frequency of Sampling: Production measurements made in July and October; flowering stem measurements made in November.

Variable Measured: Flowering stem height and density of the three main grass species. Total vegetation production (biomass).

Methods: Flowering stem height: Fifteen random points were located within each of the 64 treatment plots. At each sampling point, the flowering stem height for each of the three species nearest the point was measured to the nearest cm.

Flowering stem density: Ten 50 x 50 cm quadrats are thrown randomly within each treatment. Within each quadrat the number of flowering stems for each of the three species is recorded.

Production: All vegetation was clipped to ground level in two 20 x 50 cm quadrats per treatment plot. This was carried out in July and October of 1986. The material was sorted in to forb/woody and grass/sedge components, oven dried at 60oC for at least 24 hours and weighed. In 1986, the first sample plot was 2 m east and 2 m south of the NE corner of each treatment plot. The second plot was 2 x 2 m farther east and south of the first plot. These coordinates were chosen to coincide with insect and remote sensing sample plots. Since 1987, clipped quadrats were chosen randomly, one per plot, in July and October.

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